Page 25 of Twenty Ways To Fall
I chuckled. “Jeans and a T-shirt are always handy. Maybe sneakers if you didn’t pack any.” She nodded and opened the door. Before she closed it, I quickly added, “And a bathing suit!”
Kinsley rolled her eyes. “Good thing you’re going to be on the phone because I can no longer promise five minutes.” She closed the door, and I watched as she went inside.
TJ asked, “Would you like me to go in with her?”
Hell yes.I didn’t want her out of my sight if we were off the resort. But if TJ followed her, Kinsley would never believe I didn’t ask him to. “No. But I don’t want you to take your eyes off the door. If anyone suspicious enters that store, let me know.”
“You got it.”
I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Bennett’s number. “Hi. You wanted to talk to me. Is this a good time?” I asked.
“Yes, I just left Reesa’s office. There is something you should know.”
“Did you find the girl?” I asked hopefully.
“No. Our suspect is dead,” Bennett stated.
What the fuck!
Our plan was to have the suspectbelievethe guards weren’t there, but from what I knew, they were still watching him closing. Was it possible that someone slipped by? Had there been a breakdown of communication and the plan fell through? “Did someone get to him in the hospital?” I asked. If so, then that was all the confirmation we needed that he wasn’t working alone. The problem was finding his partner just became all that more difficult.
“No. I’ve confirmed no one has entered the hospital room except for his trusted staff and Finn himself. Finn said it looked like he had a heart attack, but he needs to do an autopsy to confirm. But this is not good either way.”
I knew what he meant. The guy was our only link to the missing girl. Without him, we had no way of finding her.
Another family without answers. Will it ever end for Tabiq?
“Is there anything I can do?” I offered. If he still needed me tonight, I’d cancel. Kinsley would want me to.
“No, but I wanted you to know what was going on. I’ll keep you posted once I hear from Finn,” Bennett stated.
“Are you letting the Hendersons know?” I asked.
“Yes, I am having dinner with Shaun tonight to discuss this situation. Are you sure you don’t want to join us?”
I’d been in a few meetings with them. There was little talk about business and mostly they spoke about their wives and kids.
“No. I have plans myself, but I don’t care what time it is, call me if you learn anything else,” I said.
“Will do.”
He ended the call just as Kinsley exited the shop carrying a couple of bags. I shook my head and got out to help her. “You weren’t in there that long. How did you manage to find all this stuff?” I asked holding up several of her bags to put them in the back of the SUV.
She shrugged. “I might have tried them all on when I was here the last time. You know, just for fun. Never thought I’d actually end up needing to come back and purchase them.” We got into the vehicle, and she added, “If I need anything more than this, then I am having too muchfunandworkingtoo little. This is more than what I have back home.”
It looked like she picked up a lot more than I had suggested. Maybe she was just trying to be prepared, or maybe she wasn’t as opposed to having fun after all.
Guess I’ll find out tonight.
“Ready to head back to the resort or do you need to stop anyplace else?” I reluctantly asked.
“If I buy one more thing, I might need to start storing my stuff on the balcony,” she joked.
“It’s not too late. I’m still willing to speak to Shaun and get you a better room. One with a jacuzzi hot tub maybe?”
“No thank you. Make my room too comfortable and I won’t ever want to leave it,” she warned.
That is definitely not what I want. Although I would know she was safe, it would also mean she wasn’t with me.