Page 17 of Twenty Ways To Fall
“Draven, I’ve changed my mind.”
“About working for me?” he asked.
“No. About you taking me shopping. If she is available, I’d really like to shop with the president.”
“Don’t trust my judgment on what to wear?” he joked.
I chuckled. It was a nice change to have a lighthearted moment with him. Yes, he was my boss, but we were going to be working closely together. That meant there needed to be some sort of relationship. Communication and trust were going to be key. So was having a sense of humor.
“Not at all. But I think awoman’sopinion might be more helpful.”And I might just learn what I need from her.
He nodded. “You’re in better hands with her than with me. If you need a place to eat, I’m your go-to person. But women’s clothing, I ain’t got a clue. I’ll give her a call when we’re done with breakfast. Now eat, because it’s already getting cold.”
I wasn’t interested in the food, but I forced myself to eat anyway. My internal clock was still trying to adapt to the different time zone. But coffee, that I could drink by the pot full. And if I was right, it was going to be a long day and I was going to need it.
I was running a little late which was unusual for me. But a last-minute call with Damien went longer than I expected. He needed to be brought up to date with what was going on here. Although we didn’t have any facts on the extent of it, if this was bigger than one girl missing, he had to be prepared for what was coming next.
Bennett Stone might be handling everything, but anyone here who was not Tabiqian could be in danger. I wasn’t worried about myself. Hell, if needed, I’d grab my Glock and team up with Bennett. But I really hated having Kinsley here now. She was just another person I had to worry about. I didn’t care that she had self-defense training. She was a woman, a beautiful woman, and I’d never forgive myself if something happened to her because I didn’t take the appropriate measures to keep her safe.
Damien agreed with me. Until we knew exactly what was going on here, I needed to keep a closer eye on Kinsley. There was no need to worry about her when she was with Reesa. That was probably the safest place for Kinsley to be. The resort was also safe. But I was about to bring her out into the town to meet with the locals. It was supposed to be just me and her. Now I was thinking maybe we should have let TJ drive us. Safety in numbers.
My brother had the perfect excuse for why TJ was tagging along. Resort policy. How could Kinsley argue with that?
I had sent Kinsley a text message letting her know I was running late and asking if she wouldn’t mind meeting me at the entrance of the main restaurant in the resort. What I hadn’t expected was the knot in my gut when I saw her get off the elevator and approach me.
Holy shit!
We were supposed to be having a business meeting with Shaun, and with her looking like that, I’m not sure I could even remember the agenda of the meeting, let alone what the hell we were actually talking about.
I knew I had told her to dress more approachable but damn it, that dress made me want to do more than just get close.Are you trying to get me to fall for you?I couldn’t take my eyes off her. It wasn’t revealing, yet it was provocative at the same time. As she walked over to me, I felt hypnotized by the sway of her hips. My body wasn’t missing one beautiful thing about her.
Damn it. Maybe she should wear that black suit.
Kinsley’s eyes were bright and her smile so sweet. “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” she said.
More than worth the wait.
“Not a problem. I’m sure Shaun has found someone to occupy his time.”
She ran her hands over her hips and asked, “Is this better?” I swallowed and nodded. “Good. I have this dress in red too.”
The deep blue was bad enough. Red might just kill me.
“We better get inside.” As she stepped forward, I placed a hand on the curve of her back and immediately felt her tense. Quickly I removed my hand.Should I apologize?I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.
Her next comment told me she wasn’t. “I can’t wait to show you all the things I found while shopping with Reesa, I mean President O’Connor. Back home I go out and usually come back empty-handed. I never would’ve imagined how perfectly everything in the store here fit me.”
Like it was painted on you.
There was no way she knew what this innocent conversation was doing to me. As long as she wasn’t looking at me, it might stay that way.
“I call her Reesa too unless in public. It sounds as though you enjoyed yourself.”
“Very much so. Thank you for suggesting it,” she said as we arrived at our table.