Page 14 of Twenty Ways To Fall
“I’m not sure I’ve had enough rest to hear what you’re about to tell me,” I warned. Diana had always been full of ideas, just not all good ones.
“Well, I haven’t really decided what that is going to be yet, but I’m giving it serious thought.”
Thought? How about serious research?
I was glad I opted not to FaceTime her because my expression wasn’t one that she’d have wanted to see. A lot of eye-rolling was going on.
“Thinking about it will give you something to do with all your free time since I’m not there.”
“What free time? I have a puppy, or did you forget all about Marley?”How can I? He’s my replacement.Diana sighed and said, “You wouldn’t believe it, but he gets into everything. And when I mean everything, I mean the boxes of stuff you asked me to keep while you’re in Tabiq.”
I had no idea how that happened. They were in plastic storage bins with covers, and I had placed each of them in the spare room closet I used when I stayed with her. I had a feeling that Marley might not have been the only one in those bins. Nothing that washing wouldn’t fix.
“Sorry, but you know your favorite cashmere sweater that yourefusedto let me borrow?”
“Yes,” I growled out.Please don’t tell me he ate it.
“Marley has decided that it is his girlfriend,” she whispered as though she didn’t want the dog to hear. I was hoping that I didn’t hear correctly.
“What does that mean?” I dreaded asking.
“Umm. He drags it all over the apartment and…”
“Chews it?” I snapped.
“No. There is not a tear in it.”Oh good.“He humps it,” Diana added, snickering.What the hell!“It really is funny to watch. I take it away and hide it, but he won’t stop searching until he finds it. He’s obsessed with it.”
“Oh, yeah. Hilarious,” I stated flatly. It was my favorite sweater for a reason. I wore it in high school when I got my first kiss. And then I wore it again in college when I got a lot more than just a kiss. Can’t even recall the guy’s name, but I remember I was wearing that sweater. No one knew it but I called it my ‘get lucky’ sweater. Worked every time I wore it on a date. It always ended up tossed on the floor in the heat of passion.
Damn, I’m going to miss that sweater.
“It really is funny to watch. I will have to video it and send it to you,” she said, still laughing.
“Please don’t,” I said firmly.
“But you love dogs,” she said, trying to get me to change my mind. It wasn’t going to happen.
I loved my sweater.
“I like dogs, but I don’t have much time for watching funny videos. Speaking of which, I’mtryingto get ready to have breakfast with Draven.”
“Draven?” she asked. “Who is that?”
“I meant, Mr. Blaze.”
“Oh, we are on first-name basis already. I like. Tell me more. Is he cute?” she questioned.
Not going there with her.
“What does that have to do with work?” It didn’t matter that he was extremely handsome. Or that there was an obvious attraction between us. Nothing was going to happen between us. Draven might not know this about me yet, but I wasalwaysprofessional.
“I wasn’t talking about work, I know that’s a forbidden topic,” Diana said.
“Anything regarding Mr. Blazeiswork-related,” I reminded her. “And unlike you, I am never late. I’ve got to go. I’ll call you when I can. Have a good day and try to keep Marley out of my stuff. Well, the rest of my stuff.”
She laughed again. “Don’t worry. He doesn’t want to play with anything but your sweater.”
I ended the call and slipped it into my jacket pocket before heading to meet Draven. Looking in the mirror one last time, I looked ready to work. Just wished I could pull my hair back in a bun like I used to. Now I felt so…casual.