Page 77 of Her Demon Mate
Betrayal lingers, burning in the back of my mind as I fight for my life.
I was working well before my master, such as he was, decided to sell me off. I was a good worker, attentive, and kind.
I took care of him, his house, and his family well.
I almost cared for the dark elf. But I think that maybe this was all part of his plan.
To use me up and toss me out. Until the only thing left for me was to lay back with my legs spread for whoever bought me.
The elf servant twists my arms again.
This time, tears fall. I am sobbing now, openly and loudly.
Maybe, just maybe, this will deter whoever thought I looked good enough to buy.
I thought at first that my elf master was joking when he said I was to be sold off.
But quickly enough I realized it was the worst joke that I would ever hear. And the other human servants did not help.
I had always known they didn’t like me, though I am not sure why.
But they had blamed everything that went wrong on me. So I was forced out.
“This feisty one will be sold to the highest bidder!” A dark elf on the stage grins at me, his sharp teeth glittering in the dim fires that sparkle from torches on the walls.
“NO!” I scream the word until I can feel my vocal chords start to crack.
“Buy me and I will curse you all to your deaths. Don’t fucking buy me or you’ll regret it.”
Tears, real tears, are falling down my face. Tears of shock and exhaustion and grief.
And there is nothing I can do to stop crying.
My curses deter no one, and neither does my crying, I realize angrily. More hands with paddles on them have shot up.
The dark elf laughs loudly.
I recognize the elf closest to the stage who has now bid the most on me. He is known for his cruelty, and his ugly smile terrifies me.
I blink my eyes that sting with tears, and the room glitters around me. It smells rank, like sweat and drying shit.
Bile rises to my throat, but I know I cannot give up. Maybe I can escape.
This time, my struggles are more violent, and the elves must have lost their patience. They restrain me more forcefully.
And their claws draw blood. I fall to my knees as blood wells up from deep scrapes on both my arms.
My tears, this time, are silent.
The auction room goes quiet.
Are they shocked? Did these superior creatures think that humans didn’t bleed?
The dark elf has ordered the servants to take me to the back. I will probably be punished there.
But just then, a loud, growling snarl comes from the back of the room.