Page 73 of Her Demon Mate
“These damned xaphan and their mission for peace… All they have done is made things far worse in Sarziroch.”
Resting next to the intel file on my desk are various reports of the xaphan troopers causing unnecessary trouble with the civilians on our streets. Reading them only aggravates me.
“Why on Aerasak did they decide to come here? The peace treaty was working just fine until they rolled around… Damned fuckers just couldn’t let some killer who hadn’t been seen in years die off.”
I spot the xaphan embassy from where I am. Their presence is causing a good city to rot, and I have a feeling that it’ll spread to the rest of the country in due time.
My mind returns to the issue of Zephon’s death. I know for a fact that all the diplomats in that damn embassy are likely calling for conflict.
“Is it really a war that they’re looking for?”
While I’d rather have the city remain safe, I know that ultimately I would happily go to war with the xaphan. Nothing would do this city any better than to rid it of the plague that is the xaphan.
I’m in the middle of meddling with my thoughts when General Folsun comes back into my office. I spin around to be greeted by his alarmed expression.
“Pardon me, but there has been a summoning of your presence called for by the top elite,” he blurts out.
“Major Ilgeran?” I ask in surprise.
“I better leave the embassy and get to the military headquarters then.”
I grab my hat and pull it tight on my head. I make a swift exit out of the embassy and head directly for the headquarters, curious to find out just why I’ve been asked for by the top man in the country.
For him to summon a specific individual isn’t an everyday occurrence, and it is usually grounds for a special task.
“Could it be what I’ve been dreaming of?” I ask myself. “Perhaps he’ll send me off to the frontlines where all of the action is. Or it might be a recon mission deep in the enemy territory.”
I grow excited at the list of possibilities. It had been far too long since I was assigned field duty, but I haven’t forgotten all of the required knowledge needed to be a good soldier.
For years, I kept my learning material from the academy by my bedside. It’s not exactly light reading, but I had to keep my body and my mind sharp in case I was ever called upon again.
But then the stark realization hits me.
What if this spells trouble?
After all, there had been barely any movement in the right direction with my last mission. A failure is a more accurate way to label it, thanks to the death of the lead xaphan with whom I was working closely.
If anything, all I had accomplished was proving that the killer still existed and that they were at large in Sarziroch… At least, that’s what the Major might make of all of this.
I remind myself to cover for Azron to the best of my abilities, but deep inside, I know I’ll be screwed if I admit to defying orders just for the sake of protecting him and his new woman.
Regardless, I keep my head held high as I approach the military base. The main structure looms high, its skyscraper height going beyond the clouds. The sight alone is enough to incite fear in the civilians of the city.
The patrol guard out front throws up a salute when he spots me walking towards the entrance.
“General Gel’ged sir!” he shouts. “Major Ilegran is expecting you. I’ll open the gate.”
If the subordinates are still showing me respect then perhaps it may not be bad news that the Major has for me.
The thought gives me enough courage to delve deeper into the base. I enter the main tower, marching right up to the reception area. All around me, subordinates and other staff look my way, some of them even pointing as if I’m famous.
So everyone seems to know I’m coming, eh?
“General Gel’ged Senel here to report to Major Ilgeran.”
I’m escorted to an elevator powered by magic. The ride up to the Major’s office on the top floor takes a full two minutes, the longest two minutes I’ve ever experienced in my life.