Page 5 of Under His Reign (To Be Claimed)
“See them in.”
She nods. “Yes, my Lord.”
Before giving her the command to leave, Galen speaks. “Adelle is it?” I commend him on his memory. We’re introduced to the servants as they come and go through the castle, but it’s been decades since I’ve learned a new name. Most I held dear have passed, and since then I find it difficult to form any bond with the humans. Although, judging from the young woman’s age, I may see my death along with hers. For the second time today, I’m reminded of my age and oncoming mortality.
“Yes, my Lord.” She remains calm and patient waiting for her orders.
“Speak more clearly next time.” The young woman pales with fear at Galen’s admonishment. Her bottom lip wobbles slightly, and I repress the need to roll my eyes. We wouldn’t banish her for something so irrelevant, but we also don’t squash the rumors that we would. “Understood?” His tone is hard and unforgiving although I’m sure he doesn’t realize it.
Her breath hitches as she tries to get the word out. Watching her struggle to contain her mortification makes my stomach churn. I grant her a small mercy and send her back to her duties. “Our guests Adelle.”
The little human nods instead of speaking and quickly turns to leave us. I turn my head to give Galen a death stare. “What?” he says with exasperation. “I could barely hear her.” He rolls his eyes and throws his hands up. “Seriously, what must I do?”
Cyrus chuckles, deep and low as several steps are heard nearing us. Of the three of us, Cyrus is far better with human interactions. The three of us straighten in our seats and stare ahead as the doors part once again.
Adelle enters first, her eyes focused on the black swirled marble floor. The click of her tiny shoes is accompanied by the sounds of heavy boots from the three men trailing her. The first of the three I recognize as the sorcerer who sent word of his request, Victor Wade. His blond hair hangs past his shoulders, his sharp blue eyes stare straight, and a thin smile grows on his face. Few have seen the three of us in person with the exception of our servants and the women we keep. His eyes widen and spark with curiosity, but if he’s under the impression that he’ll be gaining information from this meeting, he’s mistaken. I’ve granted him access solely to hear his offer. Purely out of boredom.
The other two men appear to be mere humans, although they may be weak sorcerers; I suppose they’re assistants of his. Neither has qualities that allow them to stand apart from the norm. Adelle stands tall and proud at the side of the room. She stares straight ahead, showing no emotion and simply waiting for her instructions. She’s been trained well and has recovered nicely from Galen’s criticism. She’s a worthy servant.
“My Lords.” Victor bows slightly as do the other men. It’s always humorous to me to see visitors bow. The more trouble they think they’re in, the deeper they bow.
“Victor.” I breathe deeply and wait for him to speak. For years, I’ve felt as though my wings have been clipped. It’s time I got out of this rut and started living before my death is suddenly upon me. However, neither of my brothers seem truly interested in this conquest, and although I’m bored, I have no intention of going to war on my own. Cyrus may be interested, but more out of curiosity than a desire to fight.
“What is it you’ve come to offer us?” Cyrus’s inquisitiveness has always gotten the better of him. It’s my hope that with him on my side, Galen will be swayed.
Victor takes a nervous swallow before speaking with false confidence. “The Authority is a threat to all things supernatural.” Before he can continue, he’s rudely interrupted by Galen.
“I assume you have proof, and this is not a statement you’ll leave with no support.” Victor’s obviously caught off guard, but he swallows his pride and continues.
“Have you not heard of the blood they were dealing to the vampires?”
“There’s been talk of treachery.” Or so we’ve heard. I hadn’t given the whispers much consideration until I’d been given word of Victor’s plan. “But from what I recall, the Authority is the one who put an end to that debauchery.”
“Lies. It’s all lies. I had allies within the Authority that have since been blamed and massacred.”
“I was under the impression that Alec was your ally.” My statement comes out as though it’s a question. I already know the answer though. I’m more than prepared for this meeting, as I always am. Although we’re across the world in our secluded territory, information is fed to us frequently on anything and everything that should catch our interest. We pay a healthy sum of gold for information that keeps us well informed. The whispers from our contacts in the Authority are what originally caught my amusement.