Page 85 of Never Fall for the Fake Boyfriend (Never Say Never)
“She doesn’t want you. Doesn’t think of you. Doesn’t care enough about you to hate you,” Kyle snarls, doing a good job on his own of giving the man a dose of Samantha-truths.
“But—” he stammers, catching his breath enough to stand straight again.
“Fine. You don’t like his way?” I ask, jerking my chin toward Kyle. “Let’s try my way, Mike Glenndale,” I say grimly, using his fake name from Tinder. He flinches instantly, and I know I’ve found a weak point. “Address? 360 Boxwood Lane. Bank account? 25674320.” I spare a glance at Ashley, seeing the unease in her eyes. Glenn sees it too.
“Who the fuck are you?” he sputters.
“Samantha’s family. Now leave. Or would you like to discuss your recent ‘business trip’ to Ohio?”
“What’s he talking about, Glenn?” Ashley demands, her voice shrill and accusing, especially for a woman who slept with someone else’s husband and then married him. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my business, it’s if they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you, and Ashley’d be wise to listen to that particular advice.
But either Glenn’s had enough or he really doesn’t want to discuss Ohio. “Fine. Just tell her—”
Kyle interrupts him. “Nothing. We’re not telling her a damn thing. You fucked around on your family, sounds like you’re fucking around on this one too, and if you don’t want to enter the find-out phase, you should go.” He curls his hands into fists, the knuckles cracking with the movement.
Glenn takes one last stab at dominance, pointing a finger at Kyle. “I’m calling the police on you for assault.”
Kyle laughs in his face as he knocks his hand away. “You think this place doesn’t have cameras? Video and audio that’ll show you trespassing on private property, punching my brother first, and then getting your ass whooped to keep you from crashing a wedding you weren’t invited to? Yeah, see how that works out. Maybe we’ll press charges too. You want a restraining order filed against you by your own daughter?”
I don’t know if Samantha would actually do that, but it seems to be threat enough to finally get Glenn to see reality. This isn’t happening. He’s not getting in. He’s not getting near Samantha, Susan, or Olivia ever again. Not on my watch. Not on my family’s watch.
Knowing he’s beat, Glenn grabs Ashley’s hand and nearly drags her back across the lot toward their car. As they go, I can hear her asking, “What happened in Ohio?”
Serves him right.
My first priority is Janey, and I turn to her, doing a quick scan. She looks okay, uninjured and not mad at least, but there’s an odd look in her eyes. “That was sexy,” she whispers. “I did my best stalling them, but that was . . . wow.” She sighs dreamily, and I wish I could speed the clock up and make it tonight already because I want her making that sound while full of my cock.
“You must be Janey?” Kyle says from behind me.
Janey leans to the side to peek around me. “Yep, and you must be Kyle. Nice to finally meet you. I hoped to meet everyone at dinner the other day, but you weren’t there. Cole said you might not be since you like pissing your dad off. But I knew who you were like that,” she says, snapping her fingers, “even though you’re not a copy/paste like the other guys, because Cole wouldn’t have just anybody at his side for something like that.” She points in the direction where Glenn disappeared. “It’d have to be someone he trusts. So . . . yeah, nice to meet you.”
Kyle chuckles. “I get it already. I see why this works. You, zero words. Her, all the words. Am I right?”
I glare at him, not answering, but I guess that’s answer in and of itself. Still, to be sure, I add, “Fuck off.”
“Hey, let me check your face,” Janey tells me. She lifts up on her toes, pressing gentle fingertips to my eye socket and peering into my eye as she tells me to look left, right, up, and down. “It’s gonna be tender and it’s gonna bruise because it’s already a bit red, but it’s not broken or anything.”
I take her hand, placing a kiss to the middle of her palm. “I’m fine. And thanks for not stepping in like I did with Paisley’s fight.”
Her eyes widen. “You’re right! Weddings are supposed to be all lovey-dovey and romantic, so why do we keep getting into fights at them? Is it us? Are we the problem?” She’s joking, but I tilt my head like I’m considering it.
“Have you considered that it’s just him?” Kyle suggests, gesturing at me. I throw him a dirty look, and he shrugs, unconcerned. “We need to get back.”
“Yeah, let me walk Janey in and I’ll meet you.”