Page 75 of Tempted by The Devil (Kings of Mafia)
“I know I’m doing this all backward, but…” I open the box to reveal the diamond ring to her, “The moment I laid eyes on you, I fell irrevocably in love for the first time in my life. You cast a spell over me, and I just had to have you. I wanted to wake up to your beautiful face for the rest of my life. I wanted to own every ounce of your innocence. I wanted you more than anything.”
I suck in a deep breath as I take hold of her left hand, and brushing my thumb over her wedding ring, I continue, “You’re the light in my life, Vittoria. Mia raggio di sole. Without you, there is only darkness.”
She uses her free hand to wipe a tear from her cheek as she gives me a trembling smile.
“I know I could’ve done things differently when I forced you to marry me, but the risk of losing you kept me from thinking clearly. I don’t regret it, and I’d do it again.”
She lets out a chuckle and shakes her head at me.
Taking the diamond ring from the box, I hold it in front of her left hand. “I vow to love and honor you all the days of my life, Vittoria.”
She slips off her chair and kneels in front of me as tears spiral down her cheeks. Looking deep into my eyes, she says, “I vow to love and honor you all the days of my life, Angelo.”
With a smile spreading over my lips, I frame her face and press my mouth to hers.
Applause erupts from Tiny and Big Ricky before Tiny lets out a whistle.
As I glance around the Cathedral, I let out a sigh.
All the pews around us are empty. Not because Angelo forbade anyone to sit near us, the parishioners are all just too scared to come close to us.
While Father Parisi gives a sermon about weathering storms in life, Tiny nods off for the fourth time.
Nudging my elbow against his arm, he sits up straighter and tries to blink the sleep away.
I focus on the sermon again, but I can feel the other parishioners stealing glances at us. Where it would’ve bothered me a month ago, I no longer care. Angelo is my husband, and I’m proud to have him by my side.
I hear Big Ricky murmur something to Angelo, then they chuckle softly.
Scowling at them, I mutter, “Shhh…behave!”
They both shut their mouths and give me innocent expressions. I shake my head at them while I struggle to keep from smiling.
Angelo leans closer until I feel his breath on my ear, “It’s a turn-on when you act all bossy. Maybe I can take you into the confession booth and confess my sins?”
I place my hand on his thigh and press my lips together as I fight the smile. “Hush.”
Tiny keeps nodding off, and eventually, I leave him be.
Father Parisi says, “May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
I form the sign of the cross and murmur, “Amen.”
Angelo and Big Ricky quickly copy my actions.
“The Mass is ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
“Thanks be to God,” I respond to Father Parisi’s words.
“Finally,” Tiny sighs next to me. “I don’t know what they put in the AC, but it knocks me out every Sunday.” He gets up with the rest of us, then says, “Time for coffee and muffins.”
“I swear it’s the only reason you come with me,” I tease him while Angelo takes hold of my hand.
All the parishioners wait for us to file out of the pew and keep a safe distance behind us.
“Grab a muffin, Tiny. We’re not staying for coffee hour. I don’t think the parishioners' nerves will last another hour with Angelo here.”
“We should stay to fuck with them,” Big Ricky chuckles.
Giving him a scowl, I whisper, “No cursing!”
Looking regretful, he apologizes, “Sorry, Tori.”
“Let’s head home,” Angelo says before he covers his mouth to hide a yawn.
“Can we come over for lunch?” Tiny asks after he’s swiped two muffins from the coffee table. “We have to finish watching Two Weeks Notice.”
I glance up at Angelo as we leave the Cathedral. “I prepared everything to make a roast with crispy potatoes, sweetcorn, and…”
“Please, boss,” Tiny begs.
“Fine,” Angelo mutters, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Yes!” Tiny grins from ear to ear as he opens the backdoor of the SUV.
I climb into the vehicle, and when Angelo scoots in beside me, I lean my head against his shoulder. Lifting his arm, he wraps it around me and presses a kiss to my hair.
While Big Ricky drives us home, Angelo’s finger brushes over the diamond sparkling on my ring finger, and my thoughts return to our date.
It was perfect and emotional.
I rub my cheek against Angelo’s chest and let out a happy sigh.