Page 33 of Tempted by The Devil (Kings of Mafia)
As if he’s in a tunnel, I hear him ask, “What did he say?”
Stuck in a terrified trance, I can only shake my head.
Tiny folds his mountain of a body in half to meet my eyes. Concern etches a deep frown on his forehead, then he mutters, “Jesus.”
I’m taken by my arm and tugged back to the counter, where Tiny completes the purchase before ushering me out of the store.
Did I just overhear Angelo killing a man?
Only when I’m bundled into the backseat, and Tiny is behind the steering wheel does he ask, “What happened?”
My eyes meet his in the rearview mirror. “I think I heard Angelo shoot a man right before he hung up on me.”
Tiny lets out a relieved sigh before he mutters, “That’s what happens if you steal from the boss.”
I wrap my arms around my waist, and lowering my head, I close my eyes.
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to all the violence in the Cosa Nostra.
Chapter 18
Jesus fucking Christ.
While Big Ricky and Eddie dispose of the body, I sit down behind my desk.
I rub my hand over my face as I let out an angry huff. I didn’t mean to be so harsh with Vittoria, but the call came at the worst possible time.
She sounded fucking terrified.
I shake my head, wondering how the fuck I’m going to get Vittoria not to fear me.
Big Ricky comes back into the office. “What do you want me to do with the drugs?”
“Flush them,” I mutter.
Jacks, one of the bartenders, stole two grand to buy drugs, which was a stupid move on his part.
Like I’ve said before, I don’t make a habit of giving second chances.
My thoughts turn back to Vittoria and how scared she sounded over the phone.
I’ve never done relationships before, so I’m in uncharted waters.
Christ, my longest relationship is with Tiny and Big Ricky. They’re tough as nails, so I don’t have to worry about their feelings.
I let out a chuckle at the ridiculous thought.
Now, I have a skittish deer for a wife, and as intoxicating as the idea is, it’s also unnerving.
I seriously have to ease up on Vittoria. I can’t treat her the same as every other person in my life.
But, Christ, I’m not known for being gentle. How do I go about solving this problem?
“You look worried,” Big Ricky says as he takes a seat across from me.
I let out a sigh. “It’s the whole married life thing.”
His eyebrow lifts, then he asks, “Can I be honest?”
I gesture for him to continue.
“You practically bit Vittoria’s head off when she called. You should apologize.”
I let out a snort, but seeing Big Ricky is serious, I frown at him.
He gives me a grin, then says, “Don’t kill me, but I really think you need to be softer when dealing with her.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Softer? Me?”
He nods. “Here, you’re the boss, but at home, you’re her husband. She’s not just another employee.”
I let out a chuckle as I shake my head. “If I’m too soft on her, she’ll walk all over me.”
“No. If you’re too hard on her, she’ll never love you.”
His words hit me square in the chest.
“Look.” He shifts closer to the table, his eyes locked on mine. “You chose this girl because she’s innocent and kind. Don’t force her to become a hard woman. If you don’t want her to change, you have to make her feel safe and secure with you.”
“Since when are you so good at giving relationship advice?”
He leans back in his chair, and with a smirk, he mutters, “I’ve learned how to handle the ladies from watching romance movies.”
Laughter bursts from me, which is rare. Standing up, I nod to the door. “Come on, we need to head to the restaurant.”
Putting in effort with my marriage, I make sure I’m home at five p.m. so Vittoria and I can get to know each other better.
Not seeing her in the living room, I head to the main bedroom, but she’s not there.
I quickly take a shower and change into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt before I go in search of my wife.
My wife.
A smile tugs at my mouth, and when I near the kitchen, a delicious aroma assaults me.
Christ, that smells good.
I find Tiny sitting by the island while Vittoria stands in front of the stove with her back to me.
I press my pointer finger to my lips, gesturing for Tiny to stay quiet, before quickly stepping out of the kitchen.
“I’ll be back in a second,” I hear Tiny say, and a moment later, he joins me in the living room.
“How’s she doing?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “It’s been a tough day. She’s been on edge ever since the call, and she refuses to take the new phone out of the box.”
“I’ve got this.” I tip my head toward the front door. “You can go.”