Page 2 of Tempted by The Devil (Kings of Mafia)
My gaze locks on my reflection in the mirror, and I lift my chin.
Just two more years of this hell, then you can run away and create a new life for yourself.
As I step out of the restroom to return to the table, an office door opens to my right. Not thinking, I glance in the direction of the sound, and instantly, I’m doused in ice.
I have a clear view of Angelo Rizzo, who’s gripping a man by his neck. I can’t hear what’s being said, but as Big Ricky comes out of the office, I see Angelo slam a knife into the man’s throat.
Mother of God.
The squeak escaping me has Big Ricky’s eyes snapping in my direction.
My heart instantly hammers against my ribs, and I quickly dart to the left. I know it’s stupid of me to run, but my flight or fight instinct kicks in, and flight always wins.
I don’t even reach the end of the hallway before being grabbed by the arm and hauled back to the office.
“I didn’t see anything,” I plead. Big Ricky ignores me, which has me begging, “I won’t tell anyone. Please.”
I’m shoved into the office and stumble forward. My eyes lock on Mr. Rizzo, who’s wiping the blood from the knife, and the sight brings me to a dead stop.
His head is lowered, and focused on cleaning every crimson drop from the blade, he orders with a low and threatening tone, “Remove the body.”
With wide eyes, I watch as the man’s body is dragged out of a side door by Tiny, who doesn’t even break a sweat. Then again, he’s a mountain of a man. The trail of blood smeared on the tiled floor almost makes me gag.
Father, I’ve been a good girl. I’ve never dated and kept myself pure for marriage. I attend church every Sunday. Please get me out of this mess. You owe me.
Slowly, Mr. Rizzo lifts his head, and when his hazel eyes lock on me, shivers of fear rush through my body.
Just one look from Angelo Rizzo and my mouth goes bone dry. I swallow hard on the lump of panic in my throat.
His eyes crawl from my head to the sandals on my feet before they flick to Big Ricky.
“She saw what happened,” Big Ricky explains.
I quickly shake my head, and my voice quivers as I plead, “I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
Mr. Rizzo lifts his hand, and while his thumb scratches his bottom lip, his eyes lock on me once more.
The brutality in his gaze delivers a punch to my stomach.
Father, I don’t want to die. Get me out of this mess, and I’ll do anything you want.
Tiny comes back into the office, and without taking his eyes off me, Mr. Rizzo hands the murder weapon to him.
“She’s Romano’s sister,” Big Ricky informs his boss.
If my heart beats any faster, I’m going to pass out.
Mr. Rizzo lifts an eyebrow. “Vittoria.”
He knows my name?
Of course, he does. I’m pretty sure nothing happens in his territory without him knowing.
Mr. Rizzo takes a deep breath while slowly stalking closer to me. “I haven’t seen you since your father’s funeral.”
The urge to back away overwhelms me, but by the grace of God, I manage to stand still.
When he stops mere inches from me, I have to tilt my head back to look up at him.
If I weren’t so freaking terrified, I’d take the time to admire the man’s attractiveness. His black hair is in stark contrast with his hazel eyes. There are tiny golden flecks that make it look like flames are burning in his brown-green irises. I know he’s in his early thirties and still unmarried because he’s too busy ruling over his territory with an iron fist.
When Tiny stands close behind Mr. Rizzo, I realize they're the same height. Easily two and a half heads taller than me.
Where Tiny is all bulging muscles and brute strength, Mr. Rizzo’s body is firmer, giving me the impression of stealth and death cloaked in an expensive suit.
Tiny has a round face, whereas Mr. Rizzo has a sharp jaw.
My eyes keep flitting between the two men while I’m overly conscious of Big Ricky behind me.
Mr. Rizzo’s eyes remain locked on my face, and when I can’t stand the pressure anymore, I whimper, “I won’t tell anyone what I saw.”
A frown line appears between his eyebrows, and his words are soft and dangerous as he murmurs, “I know.”
What does that mean? Am I free to go, or is he going to kill me?
When Mr. Rizzo suddenly lifts his hand to my face, I cringe back and let out a frightened sound. I pinch my eyes shut, and fisting my hands at my sides, I try to brace for the punch.
My skin stretches tightly over my cheekbones and jaw, and I clench my teeth.