Page 143 of Cruel Delights
I was caught up in another period of my life where I was spiraling, losing my grip on reality. In the past, it’s taken different forms. As a teen girl it manifested in severe emotional outbursts and distress. Those were the years I met Grady, as an unstable ball of misery and insecurity that he fed off for years.
Once I was old enough, I worked hard, juggling multiple jobs, in hopes I could buy meds to treat myself.
I’ve tried many. I’ve experimented and researched, failing and succeeding along the way. For a long time, I couldn’t keep a friend to save my life. Then Imani came along, and I found the right mix of pills that kept me going. That made me able to function.
But playing the piano has become such a complicated headache. I range from even-keeled as I give piano lessons to a panicked mess when forced to play on my own again. Mom invaded my head and self-doubt ran rampant.
….until Kaden stepped in. Valiant and stoic in ways he didn’t even understand as he gave me the confidence I needed. He helped me rediscover the joy in playing. My passion for the music that flowed from my fingertips.
There were a lot of things he didn’t know, like how we’re destined to be together.
I knew. Even when I was heavily medicated and in denial, I knew.
I kept tabs on him for years, on and off. Kaden Raskova became as unattainable a dream as playing at the Easton Opera House.
Instead, he reentered my life all on his own. At least he believed he did. He proved that he was the man I always hoped he’d be. The same boy that he had been so many years ago.
He would always look out for me even if he didn’t realize why. We would always have a special connection even when we were far apart.
Kaden and I rush out of his penthouse and hop into his Tesla.
The night’s halfway over, minutes away from striking midnight. We couldn’t care less as we race off down the city streets.
It doesn’t take us long before we’re coming up on the luxury hotel that is the Winchester. Kaden swings into the valet with an unmistakable air of confidence. It’s a trait I’ve always admired about him; he moves through daily life as though he owns the world. He could if he wanted to, given his family name.
We circle around and meet on the carpeted pathway leading into the ritzy hotel. The valet approaches in recognition of him, but Kaden waves him off as if he couldn’t matter less.
“Have it waiting for me in twenty,” he orders.
The man fervently nods and then scurries off.
I loop my arm with Kaden’s and walk fast at his side. We make for an interesting pair—though we’re dressed to the nines, Kaden in his tuxedo and me in the gown from the opera house, we’ve got blood stains on our clothes. Even on our skin.
Kaden owns it. He strolls into the sparkling marble lobby as though the blood is part of his outfit. I take a page from his book and do the same. I hold my head up high and strut at his side like I’m worthy of being here.
I’m a queen on the arm of a king.
The event being hosted by the Midnight Society teems with life. We cross the lobby and enter a ballroom of masked elites mingling among themselves. Many are so entrenched in their own worlds that they hardly notice us coming through… until they’re forced to do so.
We don’t blend in. We stand out as we blaze a path across the room. The only two unmasked among a sea of disguised power players.
I clutch Kaden’s arm and whisper, “Where would he be?”
“In his private parlor. He never comes down to mingle. He considers himself above it.”
We’re crossing the cavernous room to the other side when two men step into our path. Both are masked in tuxedos as fine and tailored as Kaden’s. Though I can’t make out the details of their faces, the one on the left looks eerily familiar.
My stomach knots up and I almost take a step back. Kaden serves as enough support to keep me in place.
Klein Fairchild.
The man who shoved his cock into my mouth in front of a theater full of people.
He obviously recognizes me. How can he not? I’m not wearing a mask like the others.
His cold eyes settle on my face and a sneer develops at the corners of his lips. “Kaden, I see you’ve brought the prostitute with you. I can’t say I’m surprised. Your taste in women has always left something to be desired. But even I thought you’d do better than this—WHAT ARE YOU—STOP!”
He shrieks out in the same kind of panic as he had that night on stage. His eyes bulge and his skin pales.