Page 136 of Cruel Delights
It’s not just for Kaden. It’s forme.
Kaden seems to notice as he escorts me onto the stage. He gestures for me to take my seat at the gorgeous Steinway I’ve played on once—weeks ago, the first night I slept with him—before he rounds on the audience.
On Grady.
“I think your junkie loser ex has something he wants to say, little lamb. Allow me.”
I sit uncertainly on the piano bench as Kaden goes down to temporarily lower his gag.
“YOU FUCKING PSYCHOS!” Grady roars the second he’s able. His voice goes hoarse from the intensity of his scream. “YOU FUCKING PSYCHOS, RELEASE ME RIGHT NOW!”
“As you can see, he’s a little upset,” Kaden taunts. “What’s the matter, Grady? Are you heartbroken over Lyra? Mad she doesn’t want to be with you and that depressingly minuscule penis of yours? Don’t give me that look—I’ve seen what you have, and I must say, you owe Lyra a thank you for putting up with it.”
“But it goes beyond your inability to properly satisfy her needs in the bedroom,” Kaden goes on with an air of arrogance. “It’s the fact that a brilliant pianist, a woman as intriguing as Lyra, entertained you for so long. Frankly, you should be kissing the ground she walks on.”
“BOTH OF YOU FUCK OFF!” Grady screams. Spittle flies. His face is redder than I’ve ever seen it. He directs his ire toward me on the stage. “How could you do this to me, Ly? How could you fucking side with him? After everything we’ve been through!”
I simply stare at him, forcing myself to remain quiet. It’ll only make the situation worse to give him a reaction.
Kaden feels the opposite. “What have you been through, Grady?” he mocks. “Tell me. The drug-induced benders? The incessant whining about being a loser? Your continued harassment of her when you stalked her and refused to let her go?”
“I should’ve known,” Grady rants. “I should’ve known how fucked up you were and that you’d wind up doing some shit like this. I never should’ve gotten involved with your crazy ass! You’ve got this psychopath after me! All I did was try to help you. FUCK YOU! FUCK BOTH OF YOU!”
“That’s enough of you.” Kaden lifts the gag and muffles him once more. He turns to me with his hands in his pockets. “Lyra, it is time for the big performance you’ve been waiting for. I want you to play Liszt’s etude Feux Follets. I want you to keep playing until you grow tired and stop. The moment you do… you’ll be saying goodbye.”
To who?
The fear inside me intensifies. I shudder out a breath turning to the keyboard. My body shifts into proper position and I set my fingers on the keys despite the way they tremble.
“Begin when you are ready. You might want to pace yourself.”
Feux Follets is one of the most difficult piano pieces in existence. Even the most veteran pianists sometimes struggle with the double notes required of the right hand.
Kaden knows exactly what he’s doing requesting I play it. All under the threatening guise I’ll be saying goodbye the moment I stop.
This is a test. He’s grading me somehow, seeing if I’m worthy in some way.
I can tell by how carefully he’s watching me. His dark eyes are intent and focused, sharper than I’ve ever seen them.
You want me to play. I’ll play.
A thread of spite unleashes inside me as I decide I’m going to prove myself. I’m going to demonstrate my talent and passion. I’m deserving of passing whatever test it is he’s giving me.
As always, my fingers set the tone. They control me, guide me, drawing me into the mindless state I enter whenever I play. I close out everything else and strike the keys with the practiced grace required of a piece like Feux Follets.
Yet, I don’t lose sight of its level of difficulty. My fingers sprawl along the ivory keys, touching the naturals, flats, and sharps as necessary.
I don’t pay attention to what’s going on elsewhere.
Kaden and Grady observe from the audience. Kaden like a monster trapped beneath the human male mask he wears. Grady with the impatient grunts and thrashes of the captive he is.
I ignore them both, filling the cavernous room with whimsical notes that unravel the longer the piece goes on.
It’s a chance to flex my prowess. Show I can complete one of the most difficult solos.
And I do.