Page 134 of Cruel Delights
Just when I think it’s over, we’re done and I’ve been sufficiently punished, he proves me wrong. The glint in his eyes tells me so before the words he speaks ever do.
“Don’t get so excited yet, little lamb,” he says with a twisted grin. “Tonight’s punishment is just getting started.”
Kill Bill - SZA
I’m lost when Kaden undoes the leather cuffs and then leads me into his bathroom, where he proceeds to bathe me. I’m lowered into warm, soapy water and told to stay put. He sits on the edge of the tub and runs a loofah over me so calmly I’d think we were two lovers spending a romantic evening together and not in the middle of his revenge games.
I’m being lulled into a false sense of security. That realization makes my heart race when I should be relaxed and enjoying the warm bath. How can I when I know he has something else planned? Another cruel trick up his sleeve.
The only relief I’m brought is from the Epsom salt steeped in the water. After the punishment I’ve endured, it soothes my aching body.
I meet Kaden’s dark gaze, hyperaware he’s studying me in his silence. As he gently guides the sudsy loofah down my back, he’s drinking in every detail about me in this moment. Details that could very well work against me… like what he plans to do next.
It’s clear, despite his silence and his gentle touch, he’s livid.
He’s unbelievably pissed with me.
Fear invades my lungs and comes out as a shaky breath. “Kaden,” I say in my softest tone, “can we talk about everything? I promise I can explain.”
“I believe I told you to do as I say. That includes not speaking unless instructed to do so. Have I instructed you to do so, little lamb?”
With a sinking heart, I shake my head and then revert into a mute. He finishes bathing me—even reaching between my thighs to wash away evidence of himself—before he wraps a towel around me. I’m dried off, led into his bedroom, and told to stay put.
I do, feeling naked and exposed as he disappears into his obscenely large walk-in closet. He emerges carrying a garment bag that he lays flush onto his bed.
“We have a very important engagement to attend, little lamb,” he says. “I’m going to make your biggest life dream come true.”
“Kaden, please—”
“Wait until you see this gown. It’s quite exquisite. A beautiful garment for a beautiful woman. Come closer, little lamb. We must be leaving soon.”
I have no idea what he’s talking about. My feet pad over, my reluctance clear. He doesn’t seem to care as he turns me to face the huge mirror and then carefully unzips the garment bag.
I’m too curious not to look. My gaze drops to the sleek black bag for a peek at what’s inside. A gasp almost finds its way past my lips. I manage to stifle it at the last second, though I’m unable to censor my long stare.
Holy crap.
Kaden removes what has to be the most extravagant gown I’ve ever laid eyes on. Made of a rare velvet that looks impossibly soft to the touch, the decadent gown flows to the floor like a current of blood-red silk.
Blood-red, a deep and eye-catching hue that seems darkly appropriate considering our circumstances. That’s mesmerizing as my gaze travels the length of the dress and takes in the shimmers of gold sewn into the fabric.
Kaden slips the gown over me and zips me into it.
It couldn’t fit more perfectly. It’s been tailored that way.
I switch my stare to the mirror across from us and drink in the sight of me—the deep, heart-shaped neckline teases my breasts while the straps hang loosely off my shoulders. My mind goes to a twisted fairytale, where I’m a princess about to be captured by the sinister villain seeking to have me.
I already am. Peering into the mirror at our reflection, Kaden glides his fingers along the arc of my neck, then the smooth line of my shoulders. He leans close and takes an inhale as if treasuring my scent.
“You look stunning,” he says, spoken as a whisper in my ear. “I’m going to enjoy tonight. But, first, I should get ready too.”
I stay where I am as he disappears back into his closet.
It only takes him a couple minutes. He walks out looking like what most women would describe as the perfect man. His loose dark waves of hair are pushed away from his face, and he flashes a smile at me that’s somehow both charming and frightening all at once. He’s dressed in a custom-tailored tuxedo that highlights his tall and masculine physique.
Especially since I know just what he looks like underneath.