Page 130 of Cruel Delights
It’s useless calling for help, so instead, I call for Kaden. Why even pretend he’s not the one who’s done this to me?
The door cracks open and footsteps plod behind me.
“You’re up, little lamb.”
I’m so relieved he’s shown up, my next breath comes out sputtered. “Kaden… please, I know you’re pissed. But I can explain everything. Just unchain me. My arms are aching.”
He comes around to stand in front of me. He’s changed since the last time I saw him, reverting into his cool, effortless, male model costume.
When I’d walked out of my bedroom, he’d been barking at me, his face reddened and clenched in anger.
The Kaden Raskova before me wears a long-sleeved Henley and dark denim, his loose waves smoothed behind his ears, and his ivory skin as translucent as glass. How’s it possible for a man who’s more than likely a psychopath to look so good in a moment like this?!
“You want to be set free,” he says in a mild tone.
“Please,” I chirp.
“Let me ask you this. Do you think youdeserveto be set free?”
“I worked to free myself. Now I think it’s your turn to do the same.”
“I did what I had to do because I had to look into a few things,” I say in haste. The words blending together the faster I talk. “I knew you would be after me. It was to protect myself.”
“I have no use for you to talk right now. Time to fix that issue.”
He holds up the ball gag that I’ve become well acquainted with. I open my mouth to protest without realizing I’m helping him along. My mouth open, he pries it wider, and stuffs the gag inside.
“There we go,” he says, fastening the band at the back of my head. “I always love the sight of you bound and gagged.”
“Kaden!” I yell around the silicone ball filling my mouth. It comes out as nothing more than an incoherent mumble.
“Save the pleading, little lamb. I promise you I am no man of mercy. As you’re about to find out. Almost forgot.” He digs around in the pocket of his trousers and produces a contraption I’ve never seen before.
Nipple clamps attached to a chain… and a third clamp which dangles from a longer chain down the center.
They’d be beautiful if they weren’t designed to bring me misery. Metal clips that are shaped like a starburst with screws for each point. I can only imagine what they look like when on. How intense they feel once they are.
A sharp shiver runs through me realizing where the third one goes.
Kaden wastes no time clipping them on. First my left breast in a twinge of pain and then the right. His hands grope the pair. His thumbs run over the metal clamps themselves. He stands so close I can feel his body heat. I’m sure he can feel any tremors I make.
Peering into my eyes, he hovers his mouth over mine. “Do you know where the third clamp goes, little lamb?”
For some stupid reason, I actually try to answer. The gag muffles every word.
Kaden laughs and gives my right breast a light tap. “Did I hear that correctly? You think asking me not to is going to stop me? I really thought you were more perceptive than that. You should probably accept you have no say in this situation. I will do what I want, when I want. Actually, I already have. I’m sure you feel the plug in your ass, don’t you?”
I fire back with another muffled retort.
Kaden twists my breast as if it’s the form of another language—it might as well be as I squirm and whimper at the bite of the clamp.
“If you want to be mouthy, I can find other ways to gag you,” he says, his eyes glinting with pure callous delight. “You seem to not understand we have all day. All night. As long as it fucking takes for you to be punished. You’re mine, little lamb, and I’m never letting you go. I’m going to keep you, and remake you in my image. My perfect little fuck toy.”
“No,” I gurgle around the ball. Saliva’s pooled in my mouth and made it that much more difficult to speak. “No-no-no!”
“Yes, little lamb, yes.”