Page 104 of Cruel Delights
Kaden’s standing by the play bench with his arms folded behind his back. He’s dressed in his usual uniform—dark pants and a crisp, white buttoned shirt. His head inclines in a gesture at my clothes.
“Strip to your bra and panties.”
I obey without question. My purse thumps on the floor as I let go of it and then kick off my sandals. I’m wearing a dress that I easily pull over my head. It crumples to the floor next to my purse. I stand before him only in my panties.
“No bra,” I say.
If he enjoys the view, he gives nothing away. He remains composed and issues his next command.
“Where is the mask?”
“In my purse.”
“Put it on.”
I bend at the waist to pick up my purse and dig the mask out. Kaden’s asked about the mask once before. I’d managed to avoid giving him an answer.
Something tells me he’ll be forcing the answer out of me today.
My hands tremble from the thrill and fear that wracks through my body. I attach the leather feline mask and then wait for my next order.
“Come here.”
I go to him. He cups my chin and plants a kiss on my mouth. He draws away just enough to speak but still close enough that our faces are almost touching.
“You have no idea what you’re in store for,” he warns. His breath tickles my lips. “Tell me what you’ve done wrong.”
I think fast. “The cookie. It had weed in it.”
He begins circling me like a shark in bloody waters. I stand still and feel my heart palpitate.
“What else?”
“Um…” I frown, thinking through the catalogue of our relationship. “I… I went wandering that one time.”
“You’ve been punished for that. What else?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“What are you wearing?”
“My panties. Oh…oh. The mask.”
“Do you remember that night in your room?”
“When you asked me about it?”
“Were you truthful in your answer?”
He makes another round circling me. I try to keep him in my line of sight, though it’s impossible once he slips behind me.
My fingers connect as I fidget and pick at my nail bed. “No… technically, not.”
“What does that mean?”
“I said it was a Halloween costume.”
“That’s right,” he says, coming in front of me. He opens the palm of his hand. Resting in the center are a new pair of nipple clamps.