Page 86 of Ruthless Roses
Sasha clears her throat. “Francis, you are aware I can see you, right?”
The four of us laugh as Stitches rubs the back of his neck and asks if he was really being so obvious.
The conversation turns to Sasha telling us about the time Stitches tried to hide her birthday present only to blurt it out mere hours later.
“In my defense,” he says, “I’ve held plenty of Mrs. Phi’s secrets over the years. All the times she was up to trouble behind Psycho’s back.”
Delphine’s eyes widen. “Why am I in this?”
We sit around a table on the terrace sipping our drinks and enjoying the cool night’s air. The nanny’s working overtime so Delphine and I can have the evening off, even if we’re spending it at home with our closest friends.
“It’s too bad Medjine couldn’t be here,” Sasha says.
“Are you kidding? She wasn’t missing the Metropolitan Art Theater’s charity dinner for all the money in the world,” Delphine answers. “An excuse to wear a designer gownandsip champagne with the city’s elite? That’s her favorite pastime.”
“I’d go… if I didn’t have tiny little chocolate fingerprints over everything I own.”
Stitches slides his arm around Sasha’s shoulders. “It’s okay, babe. If it makes you feel any better, I found a lollipop stuck to the inside pocket of my leather jacket—pretty sure Bryce hid it there.”
“That’s nothing,” I say. “Dom scribbled all along the wall of the upstairs hallway. You know how hard crayon is to get off the wall without damaging paint?”
Sasha’s jaw drops open. “Imagine being scolded by your mafia don father.”
“He’s a softie,” Delphine says, sneaking me a small smile. “He’s scary and intimidating to everyone else in the world.”
“That’s right. Except my woman and my kids.”
“I can only imagine once Rena’s older.” Stitches lets out a whistle. “Baby girl is gonna rule you, Psycho.”
I shut him up with a look that communicates impending violence if he doesn’t stop talking.
But, in reality, Stitches is correct.
My princess will have the very best. Suddenly, I’m understanding Ernest Adams’s over-the-top protectiveness of his daughter.
If it was difficult saying no to Phi… how the hell am I going to manage it with the sweet little face belonging to my princess?
Like with Dominic, Delphine and I have argued over who she looks like more. We’ve concluded she’s a mix of both, though with her sweet smile and big, brown eyes, my little girl is a mini me of her mother.
We bid good night to Stitches and Sasha not long after. The two leave with their arms looped around each other, walking in step like so many couples in the lovey-dovey honeymoon phase do.
Me and Delphine watch them go. I let the front door shut and then I’m rounding on Delphine with a devilish expression.
She takes a step back, slightly tipsy from the glass of wine she had. She’s always been a light weight. That’s true even to this day.
I advance on her and she releases a light giggle. “Jon… why are you looking at me like—damn it! Put me down!”
I’ve scooped her up into my arms before she can even protest. She clings to me by the neck with shocked laughter bubbling out of her. I whisk her away, carrying her up the stairs for some much-needed privacy.
Our bright spirits follow us into the bedroom. We have fun with the moment.
The instant I set Delphine on her feet, she’s behaving like a flirty seductress. Her hands come up to my chest and she walks me backward ‘til the back of my knees touch the bed and she nudges me to sit down. I do so, curious where this is leading.
Phi’s tipsy and giggly and that can only mean good things for me.
If things carry on like this, it’ll be our first night intimate since Rena was born.
I’ve been patient, though my appetite for her has gone nowhere. It’s as insatiable as it’s been from day one.