Page 79 of Ruthless Roses
“I’ll speak to her first.”
I turn away from a confused, suddenly mute Ernest and a crumpled, crying Clay, and head for the door.
Delphine’s in the corridor outside, accompanied by Stitches.
“This ain’t such a good idea. I tried to distract her, but she insisted on coming,” Stitches says with a shake of his head, his wire-framed glasses sitting low on his nose. “Mrs. Phi’s pregnant. She shouldn’t be getting mixed up in this.”
“I’malreadymixed up in this,” she snaps. “That’s my father in there. That’s the man he hired to assassinate Salvatore and my baby.”
“And kidnap you for god knows what! He seems to be fascinated that you look like your mother.”
“I want to see my father,” Delphine says firmly. She turns away from Stitches to face me. “You said I could. I could see him before you… you do it.”
I reach for her. My fingertips brush the line of her jaw, and my palm settles on the soft curve of her neck. I peer into her eyes and ask her myself. “Phi, are you sure you want to see him? It could be upsetting for you. I’m not sparing him. Tonight, it finally comes to an end.”
She swallows hard, the feel of her throat working under the palm of my hand. She nods. “Yes, I want to see him. Even if it’s over for him. He’s my father.”
“Five minutes. If he makes you upset—”
“I need to say goodbye. I have things…” she puffs out a sad sigh. “I have things I need to say to him.”
Respecting her request, I have no choice but to allow it. At least until I’m given reason to remove her from the situation.
I promised Delphine she’d get to see him before I did it. Rarely do I go back on promises I make Delphine.
I step aside and allow her entry, despite the tension that constricts my muscles.
If Ernest tries to manipulate her, so help me god, I might explode in a way that makes what I did to Clay look polite and well-mannered.
Delphine walks into the cell, observing the surroundings. She takes in Clay, who’s still curled up, bleeding and sobbing in pain on the ground, before looking across the room to her father.
Ernest moves to rush toward her, then thinks better of it at the sight of me and the armed guards.
“Delphi, sweetheart,” Ernest sputters. “You’ve come. I knew you would. I knew you’d talk some sense into—”
“I’m here to say goodbye,” she interrupts coldly.
His face falls. Any hope disappears. “But, honey, I’m your father!”
“Yes,” she answers, her hand on her small belly. Her expression resembles the one she’d worn the night she and I confronted him about the device in her necklace. It’s emotional and hurt all at once. “Youaremy father. You were my hero from the time I even knew what a hero was. I looked up to you… so much.”
“I’m talking,” she scolds sharply. “If you love me like you say you do, you’ll let me finish.”
He frowns, then nods without a word.
Delphine exhales shakily. “I always knew you hated Salvatore. From the moment the Mancinos moved to Westoria, you made it clear I was to go nowhere near him—and maybe that’s subconsciously what made me go with Ashley that night to his party. The forbiddenness of him. I still remember the moment I was almost tossed into a pool. Some bully by the name of Brett Gannon grabbed me and was going to throw me in. Everyone was laughing and cheering him on.
“Then Salvatore turned up. He appeared out of nowhere and he told Gannon to let me go. Gannon listened. He dropped me and let me walk away. I had no idea what was going on or where that moment would lead. I know what you’re thinking—Salvatore saved me because he wanted to manipulate me. You’re right about that. He did save me because he had ulterior motives. He wanted revenge against you. I was an easy way to get that revenge.”
I’m unsure where Delphine is going with what she says. Ernest seems to feel the same. The frown hasn’t left his face, though he’s acquiesced to her request for silence.
“I was scared of Salvatore,” she goes on with a small laugh. “Terrifiedof him. He brought me up to his room, and I felt like I was being lured into something I shouldn’t have been. I was so sure he’d prove you right and hurt me if I got too close. But… but the forbiddenness of him… it still made me curious. Our first date came, and I got to know him. I saw a different side of him I don’t think most people knew about. He was funny and protective, and he opened my door and offered his jacket. He asked to kiss me. He did all the things you always told me a man should do for me. Even if he was rough around the edges.”
Ernest opens his mouth as if to protest before thinking better of it and forcing his jaw shut.
“I began to realize Salvatore was a good guy,” she says, sneaking me a fond glance. “I liked him, Dad. I really liked him. And when he broke my heart—I knew he still cared about me. He would’ve denied it at the time, but Iknew. You’ve always wondered what it is I see in him. You’ve said he’s brainwashed me and he uses me. That’ll hediscardme once he’s through and gets his revenge on you.