Page 39 of Ruthless Roses
That I’m a piece of trash. I’m undeserving of Delphine, and if she knew my true nature, she’d never want to be with me.
In a way, it would be like he’dwin.
It takes every ounce of restraint I have to resist stabbing him in the stomach and gutting him like a fish. But I manage, demonstrating a level of restraint I didn’t even know I had. I flip my knife closed, the quick movement causing him to flinch out of instinct, and I stick both hands into my pants pockets.
“Not today,” I say. “Someday… but not yet.”
“May the best man win.”
The arrogance flashes in his dark eyes. It has the opposite effect than what he intends. Rather than piss me off more, it only pushes a new idea into my head. A strategy that he wouldn’t expect me to have.
The way I’ll flip the script on him. I’ll do to him what he says he’s going to do me.
First… before he ever sees it coming.
“Good evening, DA,” I say, turning away. “We’ll see if you’ve learned your lesson.”
I leave him backed up against the wall, letting the door to his luxury apartment slam shut behind me.
Once in the elevator, I shoot a text to Stitches. He answers immediately, asking what I need.
Look into Blue Star. Turns out, they’re not as secure as we thought.
Blue star!?! You mean the company you’ve used for your new security system?
I mean the subsidiary of Thomas Tech. Yes.
I end the text conversation there, making it out to my car. My homicidal urge may have been pulled back this once, but a different urge is emerging—one that leaves me feeling just as primitive and dominating.
One dealing with a different issue.
An issue concerning Phi.
Omar meets me at the car with the rear door open. “Where to, Psycho?”
I don’t think twice before answering. “Home. To see my wife.”
Dominic gurgles,his bluish eyes bright as he suckles from my breast. I smile warmly down at him and revel in the closeness I feel to my baby boy. It’s quiet, intimate moments like these that are the most rewarding about motherhood.
Once he’s done feeding and I’ve burped and changed him, I lay him down for his evening nap. Being the mellow baby that he is, Dominic slips off into sleep within minutes.
I return to our bedroom with the baby monitor in hand, practically watching every moment he sleeps.
There is no denying there have been ups and downs over the past couple months. I’ve struggled—and am still struggling—to balance my new role as a mother to Dom with the rest of my life.
My body hasn’t felt like my own. Few of my old clothes fit. Billowy house dresses and robes and yoga pants with slouchy shirts have become my uniform. I can’t remember the last time I made an effort to put on makeup or go to the salon.
The longest amount of time I’ve been away from Dominic was the date night Salvatore took me on.
Returning to work at the firm feels unfathomable, though aspartner,it seems inevitable.
These things and more plague my mind as I tear my gaze from the baby monitor and switch to the notifications on my phone.