Page 92 of Tame the Heart
“It was.” I force the words out. “I started out helping my dad break colts when I was seven years old. Competed in rough stock in high school before I tried out for the big leagues.” At the question in her eyes, I add, “Bareback riding.”
Memories surface. Me and Wyatt comparing injuries after the Last Chance Stampede in Helena. I had a busted collarbone; he had a torn tendon in his shoulder. We were beat up, bruised and fucked up, and we had never been prouder.
Competing in rodeos with my brother was like a breath of fresh air. That feeling I could spur anything down, of being tossed on your ass in the dirt. Adrenaline, plain and simple. It was a thrashing that lasted eight seconds, and I loved every second of it.
Her lips curve upward. “You win any medals, Cowboy?”
I chuckle. “Prize money, baby.” I kiss her lips. “Loads and loads of prize money.”
She half-turns, blue eyes scanning the stalls. “Which one’s yours?”
Taking her hand in mine, I move down the row, stopping in front of a massive black stallion.
“This one. Arrow.” I palm his cool nose. “My dad got all of us horses for our tenth birthdays. Tradition.”
“He’s a beauty,” she breathes.
“He’s a bastard.” I chuckle, swiping Arrow’s silky tuft of hair away from his face. His dark eyes aren’t amused at the affection. “The amount of times he’s tossed me on my ass are legendary.”
Ruby laughs in delight as she stands on tiptoes to scruff his mane. Arrow nickers, leaning into her touch, snuffling her palm, and picking up her scent. I watch, amused. Of course, he treats Ruby like a literal princess, but acts like an absolute dick to everyone else.
As I watch her croon to Arrow, I see the sad yearning in her eyes. She wants to ride.
That’s when it hits me—with or without me—she’ll ride.
One day. Somewhere.
When I’m not around to catch her.
A cold sweat erupts on the back of my neck.
I clench my fist, heart racing. The thought is almost too much.
She’s not Maggie. She’s okay.
I take a breath. “You wanna go for a ride?”
She turns, her gorgeous blue eyes rounded in surprise. “Really?” Her joyous grin is a lightning strike to my heart.
Then and there, I know the lengths I’d go to make her happy are infinite.
“Really.” I cup her face in my hands. “I’ll go slow.”
She nods, like she’s following my train of thought. “For me?”
No, for me. If we go anything faster than a trot, I’ll lose my damn mind.
“I’ll take you out to the creek. We’ll ride double.” I’m not brave enough to let her ride alone.
She lets out a little squeal and throws herself into my arms.
Instead of listening to every excuse why we can’t be anything other than sex, instead of fooling myself one more goddamn second, I do something I’ve been wanting to do all day.
I pull her tight against my chest and kiss her.
In, I think.