Page 47 of Tame the Heart
We’re gathered on the front lawn of Stede’s log cabin for Family, our monthly get together with the man who’s become like a surrogate father to all of us. Now, after a dinner of T-bone steaks and baked potatoes, we sit around the firepit. With no fire restrictions in place this year, we’re taking advantage any time we can.
Wyatt rubs his hands together. “Rigged up some balloons full of milk. Hooked those babies up in the Wolfingtons’ barn. Won’t know what hit ‘em.”
A round of chuckles erupt from everyone except Davis.
Solemn-faced, Davis shakes his head. “One day’ll go too far, Wy.”
I glance at Davis. He has that same hard-ass look on his face he wore when he caught me and Wyatt sneaking beers down to the river when we were kids. We were too young, we knew better, and he effectively threatened to tan our hides.
“Davis is right,” Stede says. “Their daddy is in prison for shooting someone over a fender bender. Apple don’t fall far from the tree. I wouldn’t mess with what you can’t control.”
“End it,” Davis orders Wyatt. “Now.”
Their glares clash.
“Fine, fuck,” Wyatt says.
Despite his grumble of agreement, I doubt Wyatt will fall in line. My younger brother gives a big middle finger to anyone who tells him what to do, especially Davis.
The crash of the screen door sounds from behind us. Fallon comes storming our way, causing Wyatt to straighten up in his chair.
Nodding at Stede, she says, “I’m off, Daddy. Got a shift.”
Stede takes his daughter’s hand, keeping her by his side. Looks at all of us. “Girl works too much.” Guilt stains the old man’s voice. Guilt because with Stede sick, Fallon’s the one taking the brunt of The Corner Store during her time off from the rodeo.
Fallon shoulders her bag and shrugs. “Someone has to do it.”
Ford kicks his boot up on his knee. “Dakota can’t help?”
A snort comes from Fallon. “No. My big sister’s too busy these days to even think about coming home.” She dips to kiss Stede’s cheek. “Love you, Daddy.”
She slaps the back of Wyatt’s head as she passes by, sashaying her way to the circle of trucks in the gravel driveway.
Ford lifts his brows. “She’s pissed off.”
Wyatt tucks his hands under his armpits. “Don’t look at me.”
Stede sighs. “We haven’t told Dakota about the cancer.”
Davis winces. “Jesus, Stede.”
Stede puts a gnarled hand out. “I don’t want to worry her. And I don’t want her to come home either. She finally got her bakery off the ground. Can’t keep interfering in her life. We all got a lot on our plate.”
“Speaking of plates ...” Ford looks my way. “You wanna tell us about the visit DVL paid you last week?”
All three of my brother’s gazes lock on me.
Between taking a group for a day-long Yellowstone horseback ride and outfitting the horses, it’s the first time I’ve been in the same place with my brothers.
I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees. “Valiante sent his cronies. They offered to buy the ranch, and I told ‘em to go fuck themselves. They left.”
Wyatt lifts a disbelieving brow. “That simple?”
“Nah.” I scrub a hand over my face. “I don’t think so. They made some threats. Horses dying. Fires. Shit like that.”
Davis and Ford swear in unison.
“I did some digging with my contact,” Stede tells us. “DVL plays dirty. Resurrection is just another town on their list to destroy.”