Page 45 of Tame the Heart
It’s hard to explain that I had to run to keep myself sane. I’m not proud of it. Hell, I’m not proud of much I did after her death. I put my family through hell. Leaving my hometown. Giving up the rodeo.
I did it all.
And I never looked back.
The truth is ugly. And I sure as fuck don’t want to relive it.
I cover the potatoes, then the macaroni and cheese, and stack the containers on top of each other. I walk to the fridge, open it, and glance back at Ruby.
Is she eating? I haven’t seen her leave the ranch or go to the lodge. She’s here to work, but she doesn’t have to hole herself up in that cottage. Though the idea of her heading out on her own in Resurrection has me bristling. Does she have enough money for food?
Her laugh carries, a sparkling lilt that has my heart clenching. I grab a beer from the fridge and head out to my front porch.
Across the way, Ruby lowers the phone. She lifts her hand and smiles, the bright glow in her eyes catching me off guard.
She’s gorgeous beyond words.
I take a step toward her.
The wordscome over and have dinnerare on the tip of my tongue, but before I can make a move, the crunch of gravel freezes me.
A long black Cadillac drives up the winding road to my place.
Instantly, alarm prickles.
Nothing good arrives at your doorstep at night. Especially in Resurrection. Although the town is safe, backwoods shit goes on. There’s been murders, kidnappings, and drug deals in the past. A year ago, a body was found down by the train tracks. Meth deal gone wrong. Or maybe right.
I meet Ruby’s eyes across the twenty feet that separate our front yards. Jerking my chin, I send her a silent order to go inside.Now.
Thank Christ she does.
I make sure she’s back in the cottage, the door locked behind her, then turn my attention to the two men striding toward my porch steps. One glance tells me they’re the developers Stede warned me about. The suits give them away. So do the dipshit smiles on their faces.
“You lost?” I ask gruffly, setting my beer bottle on the arm of the Adirondack chair.
“Not lost,” Suit Number One says. “Name’s Malcom Moreau, and this here is Neal Trevino. We’re from DVL Equities. Wanted to talk to you about your piece of land.”
Malcolm’s a tall guy with jet-black hair, glasses, and a round face. Neal is stockier, with a shaved head and tattoos peeking out of his suit sleeves. Brain and muscle, I bet.
Ignoring the business card, I cross my arms against my chest. I meet Malcolm’s gaze with a cool stare. “Not sure what there is to talk about.”
“Heard you were having money problems.”
“Heard wrong,” I growl.
“You sure about that?” Malcolm looks skeptical, a sneer on his lips. “Thought I saw some empty cabins down by the river. Wouldn’t be on account of that video, would it?”
My fists clench, aching to punch a hole through this slimy asshole’s face.
Goddamn that video.
With a smooth flourish, Malcolm hands over a business card. “Mr. Valiante put together a number he thinks you can work with.”
I snort at the lowball offer. “The ranch is worth twice that,” I tell them roughly. “And you fucking know it.”
Neal steps in, lifting his meaty hands. “Help us, help you, Mr. Montgomery. As I’m sure you know, this is a desirable piece of property. Fifty miles from Glacier. Direct access to Bozeman via the pass. Let us take it off your hands before the bank does.” He makes a face. “Cowboys like you have had a good run, but sometimes you need the smooth hand of a businessman to really make the land what it’s worth.”
“Let me guess ...” I look at Malcolm. “You’re the listener. The quiet one who comes up with the game.” I look back at Neal. “And you’re the fucker who’s about to get his neck ripped off.”