Page 30 of Tame the Heart
Davis thinks about it. “It’s a good idea, Charlie. We had three more cancellations this morning.”
Maybe it wasn’t the worst idea hiring Ruby. If we can co-exist for three months, get the ranch back on track to recoup some money and guests, then it won’t be a complete loss.
“As long as she doesn’t get in the way.” Wyatt tears himself off the barstool and paces to the counter. “If she tries to fancy us up, I’m putting my foot down.” Still grumbling, he dips down by the built-in desk and bangs underneath the cabinet. His voice comes muffled, annoyed. “She’ll probably have us singing songs around the goddamn campfire by the end of the week.”
“No one’s singing,” Ford barks.
“No one wants you to fucking sing.” I pinch my brow. So much for a relaxing morning. “Shut the fuck up, Wy. And what the hell are you doing down there?”
We all freeze when there’s a light tapping on the screen door.
Heads swivel as a barefoot Ruby appears in the kitchen. A laptop’s tucked under her arm.
Fuck me. Another sundress.
“Excuse me.” Her pretty face is a beam of sunshine and hesitation. “I’m sorry to interrupt—”
“No interruption, honey.” Ford lifts his coffee cup. “What can we help you with?”
I shoot Ford a warning look. If he didn’t call every woman in townhoney, my fist would be in his face.
“Hi. I’m Ruby,” she chirps, before taking a step into the kitchen. As she tucks a long strand of hair behind her ear, her gaze locks on mine. “Charlie, I’m not getting Wi-Fi down at the cottage. It worked fine a second ago, but now there’s no signal.”
I frown.
You’re welcome, Wyatt mouths to me before heading Ruby’s way. “Hey, Ruby. I’m Wyatt, the handsome one.” He shakes her hand, and I groan inwardly when I see the router cable sticking out of his back pocket.
“Nice to meet you,” she says with a full-wattage grin. “All of you.”
Ford gives her one of his charming grins. “I’m Ford and this is Davis, and what can we get you to drink? Water, beer, coffee? Have a seat.”
“No, no, and yes, please.” She pulls out a stool at the island and sets her laptop in front of her. “With cream, if you have it.”
I cross my arms. “We don’t.”
Ford shoves me out of the way to set a steaming cup of coffee in front of Ruby.
“How’s the ranch treating you?” Davis asks.
“Oh, it’s beautiful. The fresh air’s like knockout gas. I slept so well last night.” Again, her eyes lock on mine. “I watched that video you told me about, Charlie.”
The way she says my name, the way she stares at me like there’s no one else in the room, does something to my stomach. Something I don’t like one goddamn bit.
“And?” I ask.
“And it’s bullshit.”
Davis chuckles at the swear coming off her lips. It seems unnatural coming from her pouty pink mouth. Girl couldn’t be more adorable if she were made of kittens. Christ.
Ruby’s brow wrinkles in consternation. She looks so damn pretty, it’s almost unfair. “That lady was almost like she wanted to cause trouble.”
Ford looks over at me and Davis with a triumphant smile on his smug face. “See? She gets it.”
“Amen,” Wyatt drawls.
Ruby opens her laptop. “I also got started on your Instagram account.”