Page 164 of Tame the Heart
Ruby and I—we’re doing this.Us. We got the entire fucking world laid out in front of us. I’m living my life with this woman. I love her heart, her soul, and her wild dreams.
I loveher.
She’s mine, and I won’t give her up for anything or anyone.
Ruby tilts her head back for a kiss, then turns to face the table. “This is new. Charlie Montgomery on a computer.” Eyes curious, her small hand slides over my shoulder. “What’re you doing?”
“Researching.” I tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. “Getting you the foods you should be eating. Checked out some cardiologists in Washington. We can head out there whenever you need to.”
Ruby’s bright blue eyes widen. “Charlie, you did all this?”
I flash a crooked grin. Don’t even bother to hide it. “Damn right. My girl gets the best.”
Her breath hitches. Silently, she slips off my lap and walks to the kitchen island.
I frown. The faint trace of sadness on her face makes my stomach lurch.
She stands there, palms on the counter, head bowed. After a second, she closes her eyes. “I love that you’re doing all this,” she says quietly. “But you can’t fix me, Charlie. I don’t want you to have false hope or try to change what you can’t. This is my heart. This is me.”
Not fucking happening.
I rip out of the chair and go to her, hauling her to my chest. “I’m sorry.” I frame her face with my hands. “I loveyou. Just like this. And you’re right. You’re not something to be fixed, but I will keep you safe. Long as I live, I will always fucking protect you.”
“I know you will.” A weak smile flits across her face, then disappears. Color flames her cheeks. “You just ... can’t treat me different. You can’t think I’m weak or worry all the time or stop me from doing things I need to do.”
That’s it. Her fear. Why she didn’t tell me after I told her about Runaway Ranch.
She’s been so sheltered her entire life she’s used to people keeping her back.
I want her to see herself how I see her.
“Ruby,” I say her name forcefully, so she looks at me. “I didn’t see someone weak this summer. I saw a fierce girl who pushed me to be a better man. Who made me fucking live. Who helped people when she didn’t have to. That’s you. Golden, just like your heart, and nothing about you is ever bad or broken.”
“Really?” she whispers, hope in her voice.
“Really. And this heart?” I press my palm against her chest. “I’m gonna learn everything about this because it’s mine now, you hear me? Your beat is my beat.”
Her eyes sparkle.
“You’re gonna keep on livin’, baby. I’m just gonna be the one to rope you.”
Blood rushes into her cheeks. She lifts her chin, the teasing smile on her face like a shock to my system. “You think you can, Cowboy?”
Dragging her closer, I growl against her mouth. “Sunflower, I know I can.” I slide a hand up the slope of her breast to curve around her slender throat. Her pulse hammers beneath my fingers. I track it like she’s taught me this last week.
This heartbeat is mine.
Mine to memorize.
Mine to love.
Every beat precious.
“What is it?” My hand lingers on her throat. “About 150?”