Page 162 of Tame the Heart
Charlie sighs, his dark brows furrowing as he closes his eyes. “You put me through hell, Ruby.”
My lower lip trembles. “I know. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”
Silence. Awful, awful silence.
Weakly, I scoot to the edge of the bed. The drop of my bare feet on cool hardwood is like an anchor. “I want to tell you I love you. I want to tell you that I’ve never lived as much as I have this summer because of you. I want to tell you that you have my heart even when it stops beating.”
His large frame sags and his face screws up. “Ruby, don’t.”
I touch my chest, the beat of my heart calm, and urge myself to go on.
We’re almost there.
Sniffling, I shake my head, wiping tears off my cheeks. “I don’t regret this summer, Charlie. I’d do it all over again, even if it ends like this.”
Charlie turns his head, his hard expression morphing into shock. “Ends?”
“It has to end.”
I make a decision.
God, it will hurt, but I have to let him go.
“I’m getting worse, Charlie. I thought I could do it, but I don’t want you to go through it.”
He freezes, stops breathing.
My tears overflow.
I push myself up to stand on shaky legs and glance around the room for my things.
Gaze narrowed, he turns to me, smearing a hand down his dark beard. “What’re you doing?”
“Making it easier for you.” I sniffle. “I lied to you and your family. I could die, Charlie. I can’t give you children. I’ll go, okay? I’ll—”
Suddenly, Charlie’s not by the door anymore. In one swift motion, he’s hauling me into his muscled chest. “Go?” he asks in disbelief, his voice breaking. “I stopped you once. Why in the hell would I let you run away now?”
“I lied to you,” I gasp. The sudden feeling of being in his arms once more has my legs giving out. Gripping his shirt to stay steady, I press my face to his chest and weep. “You should hate me.”
He chuckles. The vibration rolls through his body and into mine.
Then he takes my face in his big hands and stares into my eyes. “Am I pissed? Am I worried? I won’t lie to you. Yeah, I’m both of those things. But Ruby, baby, as long as your love keeps rushing through my lungs, I am yours and you’re mine. You’re still my sunflower.”
I’m crying so hard, big, wet sopping tears that streak my cheeks. I’m so relieved it’s out. Charlie knows my truth, knows every little piece of my heart. And still ...
He won’t let me go.
How could I ever have doubted this man?
Charlie wipes away my tears with his thumbs. “There is no question I love you, no question about us,” he rasps, pressing his warm lips to my brow. His voice shakes with emotion. “I’m not walking away. I can’t. I won’t. So don’t ask.”
“Okay, Cowboy.” I smile wide. Tears sparkle on my lashes. “I won’t.”
In answer, Charlie kisses me with such force I gasp into his mouth. My fingers dive into his thick head of dark hair. His lips are full, soft, drinking me in, telling me everything will be okay. My body curls into him. And then he’s lifting me off my feet and I’m back in his arms.
Where I’ve always belonged.
Her heart could stop beating.