Page 152 of Tame the Heart
Resumes its beat.
The room tilts and I go down.
“Ruby!” I grip the doorknob, try to slam open the door, but it’s locked.
I can’t get to her.
I can’t get to my girl.
A thud on the other side of the door has me absolutely losing it.
“Ruby!” I slam my shoulder into the wood. In two quick tries, I knock the door off its hinges.
My gaze instantly finds her, slumped face-down on the floor.
The air leaves my lungs.
I rush to her, falling to my knees beside her. “Ruby?” Gently, I turn her over, lifting her onto my lap.
Her eyes flutter. “Charlie?” She attempts to push herself up but can’t. Her face lolls into my chest, obscuring my view.
“What happened?” Automatically, my fingers find her pulse. Her heartbeat feels like wild horses in her chest, and my panic deepens.
“Nothing.” She moans softly. “I’m fine.”
“Bullshit. You’re not fine. Baby, talk to me.”
“I don’t feel good.” Her whisper ends in a choked sob.
“Shhh. That’s all right,” I say, gathering her against my chest. “Come here. We’re gonna get you better.”
“You can’t,” she croaks. Dried tear marks waterfall her cheeks. “You can’t get me better.”
I lift her tiny body in my arms and stand. Once I carry her into the bedroom, I place her on the bed and peel off her sweat-soaked T-shirt. She trembles as I cover her with the sheet. After bringing her a glass of water, I sit beside her and wipe the sweat from her brow with a soft cloth. “You fainted?”
She nods. “I’m sorry.” Her voice is soft, pained.
“For what?” I stroke her tangled damp mess of rose-gold hair.
“For everything.” Her eyes glass over. “I’m bad for you, Charlie. I am.”
Over and over, I shake my head. “You’re not bad for me. You’re mine.”
“I shouldn’t be,” she says under her breath, tears still slipping down her cheeks. “I’m a thorn. I hurt people.”
“Shhh.” I grip her hand, lacing her fingers with mine as if I can bring her back from whatever grim ledge she’s on. “Don’t say that.”
I wait for her to say more, but she doesn’t.
Her eyes flutter closed, and soon she’s asleep.
A buzz of warning sounds in my head.
I stand from the bed and lean over her.
I’ve never noticed the rhythm of a heart. But tonight, in my bedroom, with Ruby sleeping naked in the sheets, I do. Reaching out, I fan my fingers over her rapidly rising chest.
Her heartbeat is fast. Unnatural.