Page 20 of Dark Knight
Tears swim in her eyes, and it guts me like a gullet knife through my chest. I’d rather die than be the reason for her pain. “I need you to remember, Bea. I need you to stay calm and let what’s going to happen, happen, because I will be back. I’ll be buried inside your supple pussy for days when I do, and when we finally come up for air, you’re going to be my wife. You got that?”
I know she hears me. Her breath hitches, and her body shivers, but her mind—fuck me—her beautiful mind is taking over the rest of her, forcing her into a stress-induced state that I won't be able to bring her back from. Not this time; there isn’t time.
“Ma!” I shout, knowing she’s here.
“I’m coming,” she calls back, and I hear a feral growl from my father.
“Lay one fucking finger on her, and I’ll make you eat it.” They must be trying to stop her from coming up.
Cupping Bea’s cheeks in my hands, I kiss her deeply, promising her in that one act that I’ll never be far from her. Nobody could keep me from her side for long. She’s just got to trust that I’ll keep my word.
“I love you, pretty girl.” Kissing up her jaw, I bite her earlobe and whisper for her ears only, “Be a good girl for Daddy.” Her surprised gasp makes me grin as I pull away from her.
“Take care of her for me, Ma.” Kissing the woman’s cheek, she nods and pats mine like she did when I was a kid and getting into shit.
“I’ve got her, son.”
Holden, Bishop, and Hendrix take a step back as I come through. My lawyer, James something-or-other, tells them, “One mark on him, and I’ll have your jobs. He’s not resisting. He’s coming willingly.”
The cuffs circle my wrists, and as I’m being led to the cruiser, another car pulls into the driveway. I see Morris, Flora, and two other people get out. One is a woman in a fancy suit, and another is a man in scrubs.
I didn’t think they’d get here so quickly, but I figured they’d come for her, likely intending to institutionalize her, but I didn’t think it could happen so quickly.
“Morris!” I hiss his name, and the man draws back in fear. “These cuffs won’t stop me from beheading you if you lock her up.” There’s so much malice in my voice, the air seems to freeze as everyone stares at me. “I won’t stop with you, either. I’ll come forherand your other daughters, too. Nobody you love or care about will be off-limits to my wrath.”
“Is that a threat, Mr. Sutton?” the idiot finds the backbone to ask.
“No, you asshole; it’s a fucking promise.”
* * *
Nolan. Nolan. Nolan.
My body tenses. My vision blackens around the edges. My heart palpitates.
Nolan. Nolan. Nolan.
My fingernails dig into my palms as I work to regain control.
Nolan. Nolan. Nolan.
If I repeat his name in my mind enough, I’m hoping it will stave off my memory loss. I’m hoping I won’t forget. I’m hoping to remain sane.
Nolan. Nolan. Nolan.
I’ve been standing on the front porch of his house since he was escorted away in the back of a police cruiser by officers who seemed to have some kind of vendetta against him. I haven’t been able to move. I don’t want to. Not until he returns home.
Nolan. Nolan. Nolan.
He promised he’d come back to me. It’s been hours; the sun is beginning to set. His family is throwing worried glances my way.
He promised.
And I’m holding onto it. It’s all that I have right now. Moving from this spot will be akin to plucking a string from a ball of yarn and watching it unravel.