Page 69 of The Speakeasy of Hell
Madisen stood in front of Jeremy, a gun held to her head.
“She’ll die before me,” Jeremy stated.
“Doubt it. Because I want you alive,” Derek growled out.
“Let her go,” Levi ordered.
“Not a fucking chance. This bitch is my ticket out of here, and she owes me,” Jeremy yelled.
“Not happening,” Madisen sang out. Levi winced at the marks on her face. Jesus, she’d just healed from the last lot, and now she was bruised again.
“Who wants to take bets?” Jeremy sneered.
Levi didn’t like the look in his eyes. It was wild and crazy.
“Me. Because she is claimed by Hellfire, which means she’s going nowhere,” Levi said.
Jeremy began edging to one side.
Madisen sighed.
Before Levi or Derek could say anything, Madisen collapsed to the floor. Jeremy fired into a wall, and Derek’s bullet took him in the shoulder, Levi’s took the other.
Jeremy screamed as he dropped.
“Take her and go. My brothers will be coming with transport,” Derek ordered. “And it’s time Jeremy got reacquainted with McKenzie law and retribution.”
Levi nodded and swept Madisen up before carrying her downstairs.
“Wait, there are two kids here somewhere,” Madisen stated.
Levi paused and looked around. Derek would have cleared the ground floor. He wouldn’t have left two kids behind.
“Hold this, use it if you have to,” Levi ordered, passing her his gun. Levi walked back upstairs and kicked open the remaining doors. In a tiny box room stinking of piss and shit, Levi found two babies.
“Fuck,” he muttered. “Hey, I’m not here to harm you.”
“Dada?” the eldest asked, looking terrified.
“Your dad wear something like this?” Levi questioned, showing his cut.
The little boy stared and nodded.
“He got black hair?” Levi quizzed.
The boy frowned. Okay, he didn’t know black hair.
“BooBoo,” the little boy said and pointed to his cheek.
Levi guessed that meant that the father had a scar. He scooped the kids up, babbling nonsense, and rushed to Madisen.
“They say their father is one of the Fangs. That he has a cut on his cheek. Can you wait with them while I check?” Levi asked.
“Hello!” Madisen said in a happy tone as she nodded.
Levi moved back to the man he shot and didn’t find a cut. On the guy Derek had taken out, Levi discovered he had a scar running down his face. That was the father. His name had been Poppet. For fuckin’ real? Levi choked back a laugh and walked to Madisen.
“Let’s go,” he said, hearing a car and bikes arrive. He checked before opening the door that it was Hellfire and was met with Chance.