Page 64 of The Speakeasy of Hell
“Can you tell me who is in his crosswires?” Derek asked.
I sat down heavily and gazed at Levi and then Derek.
“You want me to tell you what I did, don’t you?” I muttered.
They both nodded.
I took a deep sigh, prepared to unleash my inner secrets.
“Oscar was vile.” I started glancing at Derek. He nodded. “Oscar did not care how dirty a crime was. If it was profitable, he had his nasty, greedy fingers in it. Drugs, gun running, meth production, prostitution, and worse, human trafficking. I discovered this a year before his death. Of course, I noticed he was illegal with his underground casinos and loan sharks, but I didn’t realise it went to the depravity of human trafficking. And Oscar didn’t care who—men, women, and children.
“He had even begun organ harvesting. Some of his clients like rough play and would often leave their victims for dead. Oscar would swoop in and offer a clean-up and whisk the barely breathing bodies away. He’d then harvest them in an illegal operating theatre he owned somewhere. When I discovered what he was doing, I was appalled.
“Working with Riley, I would sneak into Oscar’s office and access his safe. He thought I was too dumb to know the combination. The joke was on him. I had known it for ages and had been compiling evidence against him. Not weak shit, but the hard-core stuff that would take him down. Riley would take the info I’d got and contact someone he trusted in the FBI.
Then Oscar’s next delivery of whatever it contained would be intercepted. We saved a few people, but I know for every truckload saved, three more got through.
“So Riley and I began making plans to have his criminal empire smashed to pieces. Of course, Oscar and Jere realised someone was leaking info, but they couldn’t discover who. Stupidly, they trusted me to set extra cameras up with the security firm they’d hired. I had access codes and everything and was able to create loops, so it looked like nobody was breaking into his personal study.
“Then Oscar had a dinner party, a rather large one, and announced husbands for my cousins and myself. None of us had any idea it was coming, so to say we were stunned is an understatement. Even worse, he knew Brandy and Cami were in a relationship, and if they fucked a man, it would be rape because neither of them like men. Oscar gloated, his fat face all smug. We were horrified and started making plans.”
“Carry on,” Derek encouraged.
“Brandy was damn good at forging his signature. So we had her go over it again and again until it was flawless. Tami had read a book about how we could trigger a heart attack with certain flowers, so we began cultivating them in Oscar’s greenhouse. Meanwhile, I worked to find a lawyer who was basically honest, and I had him rewrite Oscar’s will.”
“Madisen, that lawyer isn’t exactly legit,” Levi interrupted.
“Yeah, he is. His sister was one of the women we saved. He owed me big time,” I replied, and Derek nodded.
“That makes sense.”
“The lawyer forged the will, and I slipped the signature page into some documents Oscar was signing. The idiot signed it, the lawyer got the witnesses, and it was a done deal. It was left undated until we were sure of when we were making a move. Brandy then forged the letters, and he sent them to a contact; the lawyer had to see if they could be determined forgeries. The guy claimed they were Oscar’s writing, so it was a go. I gave Oscar the lethal dose and waited until he was paralysed, and then I told him everything we’d done. That Riley and all of us had worked against him.
“Oscar was furious. I sat there watching drool run down his chin and him helpless to wipe it away. There was great joy in telling him how we planned to destroy his bastard son, his legacy, his empire, and what we wanted to spend the money on. I ensured that if Oscar hadn’t hated me when I made my move, he did then. I showed him the new will, the letters, everything. How Jere was going to be cut from the entire estate? Of course, back then, I didn’t know I wasn’t his daughter.
“And then I sat there as he died, telling him my plans for Jere. How I knew he’d blow, and the police would be called. And how Riley would place enough coke in his car to ensure Jere did a lifetime inside. We escaped and set up the charity that helps people out. And then we contacted a group of mercs. Gave them all the info on the buyers of the men, women, and children who had been sold. See, Oscar was such a fucker. We knew who’d bought who.
“The mercs work for us and us alone and rescue those who were sold into slavery. Then, once rescued, they get a cash sum to set them up for life. I’m not stupid enough to know they’re not damaged, but taking away a lot of the everyday stresses allows them to heal and regain control. So far, since Oscar’s death, we’ve recovered thirty men and women. And ten children. Their ‘owners’ have suffered cruel deaths or been exposed and prosecuted.
“Day by day, the girls and I tear down Oscar’s vile legacy, and we’ll save who’s left. It is not enough and never will be. But it’s what we can do, and I resigned myself to that a long time ago.”
I crossed my arms and gazed at the two men in front of me. If they wanted to condemn me now, then so be it. I wasn’t innocent, I’d known what Oscar was doing, and although I had done my best, innocents had still died.
“You’re fucking amazing,” Derek stated with a gentle smile.
My eyebrows shot up into my hairline.
“You could have taken that money and walked away. You didn’t. Shit baby, I’m so fuckin’ proud of you and your cousins,” Levi said, pulling me up into his arms. He nuzzled my neck, and Derek made a gagging noise and then growled as Levi kissed me.
“Get used to it,” Levi taunted, and I sighed as Derek sent him a murderous glance. Levi, however, seemed to have a death wish and grinned. “Bonding with the in-laws, how refreshing.”
“Let’s focus on the issue at hand,” Derek snarled.
My lips pursed, and a shiver ran down my spine. There was no doubt Jere was coming for me. My freaking nutjob brother hated me with a passion and would most definitely come for revenge. Shit. My eyes met Derek’s, and I saw the acknowledgement in them.
“You’re not going to lock me down, are you?” I asked, resigned to a fight.
“No. Jere is far too dangerous. His fractured state of mind means he can’t be predicted. I also believe he knows where some of your father’s secret weapon stashes are. Jere, using a missile to blow up Hellfire or whatever house you are in is not beyond the realms of fantasy. The little asshole is capable of such acts. We need to hide you and the girls,” Derek stated.