Page 54 of The Speakeasy of Hell
“I am here, unhurt. Riley took most of it,” Tami said, sounding remarkably calm.
“Riley?” I shrieked. There was no answer.
“I’m trapped under him. I don’t think I can move in case I make his injuries worse,” Tami exclaimed.
“Same with Dane. He’s covering me, but Errol said his neck doesn’t look right.”
Panic hit me. What if Dane had snapped his neck? Was he dead? Paralysed?
“Errol, the men, they have a pulse?” I cried.
“Yes, miss, I checked straight away. I can hear sirens. Help is coming,” Errol stated.
Outside, sirens screeched to a halt, and I heard another man introducing himself as Mack, telling me he was a paramedic. He asked me questions while I listened to Tami answering someone else. Dane’s weight was lifted from me, and I saw he remained unconscious. I was trying to control my panic but felt it slipping.
“He’s alive?” I gasped. Mack reassured me he was.
Thank God. I hadn’t just discovered my brothers to lose one.
“He is seriously hurt, though, Madisen; he’s going in the first ambulance,” Mack said as his hands gave me a check over.
“Let me out. I’m going with him,” I whispered.
“Can’t do that. I think you’ve got whiplash and a dislocated shoulder,” Mack responded, and it was then I became aware of the pain my body was in.
“Shove it back in,” I demanded.
Mack shook his head and stabbed me with a needle.
“That will help with pain, but we’re taking you straight to the hospital.”
“Not disagreeing, but I want to go with Dane,” I said again.
“Dane’s already left. Do you have a next of kin for him? Are you his wife?” Dane questioned.
I rattled off Derek’s number, which was the first that came to mind. Mack repeated it to someone, and then I was being supported out of the wreck and laid onto a gurney.
“Riley and Tami,” I asked, clutching Mack’s arm.
“Tami is fine, no injuries, but she’ll be checked over at the hospital. Riley is awake, but we know he has broken bones. They’ve already left,” Mack said kindly.
“The guy who helped, Errol?” I quizzed.
“He’s giving a statement. He saw everything,” Mack informed me. What a nice man Errol was. He’d been so kind to me.
“Thank you.”
Mack and his partner loaded me up in the ambulance, and sirens blaring, they took off. Mack sat in the back with me as he continued to monitor my vitals and check me over. I was surprised when suddenly we slowed down as we came up to town.
“What’s going on?” Mack ordered of his partner.
“Roadblock and men in the road with guns,” he answered, and I heard the squark of a radio. The guy was calling it in.
“Reverse!” Mack demanded.
“Too late, there’s someone behind us,” his partner replied in a calm tone. The back door of the ambulance flew open, and I gazed into a pair of callous brown eyes.
“What the fuck, Mill—” I exclaimed.