Page 47 of The Speakeasy of Hell
Levi moved forward and cupped my face. Despite his frustration, there was worry in his eyes.
“For God's sake, what happened now? Won’t this constant drama stop?” I demanded.
“Brandy’s been shot. We need to get you to the hospital,” Levi announced gently.
Ice flowed down my gut. Brandy had been shot.
“Wha…” I stammered.
“Tell you in the car,” Dane said and began hurrying me back inside. We tore through the club at a jog, and Daithi was waiting with an SUV outside. We piled into it, and Levi hit his bike, and we roared off together.
“Tell me,” I demanded through stiff lips.
“Brandy was sleeping when a noise disturbed her. She walked downstairs, and Riley told her to hole up. Instead, Brandy got her own weapon, and while Riley went out the back, she went out the front. There was a dead racoon on the porch; its guts spilt open, and blood smeared everywhere. Part of it had been nailed to the door; the other half was on your porch. There was blood all around the house. More than one animal had been killed.
“Riley took down two guys in the yard. But Brandy found a third. He shot at her before she noticed him and missed, but Brandy fired as he took his second shot. He’s dead, and she’s taken a bullet to the shoulder. They rushed her into surgery. Do you recognise these men?” Dane demanded, shoving me his phone.
“No,” I said after a few moments of studying them. “Do you?”
“No, Derek is having them run, and the police are at the house. They’re holding Riley and taking his statement, although he’s about to rip their heads off if they do not let him leave soon. He wanted to go with Brandy to the hospital, but a couple of uniforms we didn’t recognise held him back,” Daithi said grimly.
“Oh shit,” I muttered, knowing how Riley would take that.
“Yeah, it’s going down a storm. Riley ain’t amused,” Dane replied.
“And then we discovered you were not in your office and thought you’d been snatched,” Daithi snarled with a glower.
“I just needed some air. I couldn’t breathe because you’re smothering me. You mean well, I know that, Daithi, but please, I also need some alone time,” I replied, feeling guilty.
“Ain’t gonna be getting that until the asshole behind this is caught,” Dane muttered.
I pursed my lips, unwilling to argue. As much as they cared, they were forgetting something. Blood or not, I’d been brought up as Oscar Roderick’s daughter. I could handle myself!
Chapter Ten.
Frustrated, I paced back and forth in the small private waiting room we’d been directed to. Brandy was in surgery, having the bullet removed, which had lodged in the bone. An easy enough operation but still worrisome for me. Derek had shown up with Tami, and we were waiting for Cami to appear. I was surprised she’d not arrived before now, but she would come. Because of her love for Brandy, not even the devil would stop her. Riley was collecting her and bringing her there safely.
The doctors had reassured us that Brandy would be fine. Which was a huge relief. I wanted to rant at her, but she had done as she was taught. Protect her family and herself. I’d have done no different in her position.
However, my brothers thought differently. They were going to have to learn that we could defend ourselves and that we were independent women. We’d listen to advice but wouldn’t take their crap about not being able to protect ourselves.
An hour ticked past, and a doctor came to inform us that Brandy was in recovery. I gave a sigh of relief, which quickly became worry.
“Where’s Cami?” I asked, concerned. “She should have been here ages ago.”
“Riley was bringing her,” Dane replied.
Derek and I both pulled out our phones and dialled. Cami’s rung out, and by the expression on Derek’s face, Riley’s did the same.
“Where is she?” I demanded of no one.
“I’ll call Chance,” Levi said.
“What will that do?” I inquired, my agitation rising.
“He’ll send my brothers out to search for her and Riley,” Levi explained and then held a finger up as he began speaking into his phone. Moments later, Levi turned to us.