Page 36 of The Speakeasy of Hell
“Brother, I have kept my distance, given you fuckers all the time in the world, to come to terms with some of your dark shit. There’s four of you who scare the hell out of me. You got beasts in you. I’ve kept back and let you sort it your own way. But you’re claiming women, and not all of you will be lucky enough to claim somebody like Janey.
“Do you think Madisen could handle your monster inside? He’s never been let free, but what if he blows and that girl’s caught in the middle? Your control on him is so tight it’s rigid. And rigid snaps. Talking about shit can help. Someone will be in your corner. And when you lose it, that person will take you down no matter what it takes, as long as it protects your woman,” Chance said softly.
Levi frowned. He didn’t like this side of Chance. Oh, he knew it existed, but it was meant to be aimed at the women. Not the brothers. A flash of intuition hit Levi, and he suddenly realised why Chance was being soft. He was scared. Levi searched Chance’s eyes and saw it, hidden behind the stubbornness, the flicker of fear. Chance had faced hell last year, and it had come back to haunt him in Clio.
Chance was frightened of this growing war with Fury, and he didn’t want to lose anyone. Fanatic and Roo’s injuries had driven home Hellfire were human and, more importantly, were touchable. They could be harmed; they could be killed, and that scared the shit out of Chance. Levi suddenly realised just how invested Chance was in all his men. Yeah, it was obvious Chance loved and protected those who made up the club. But now Levi saw the feelings went beyond the MC.
Chance honestly thought of them as blood brothers. There was no deeper tie for Chance than the Hellfire brothers. He loved them as much as he loved Drake, and that was saying something. The fact smacked Levi in the face. The rough and tough President of Hellfire was genuinely frightened of losing someone. Whether to Fury or the beast they carried inside. Chance needed this control, and Levi could give him it.
“Okay. We’ll talk. But don’t expect deep, meaningful stuff, just it wouldn’t hurt to make sure I got the monster under control,” Levi said.
Relief flooded Chance’s eyes, and Levi knew he’d done the right thing. Talking about personal shit with Chance would be just as uncomfortable for Chance as him. But Chance needed this, that deep down, his brothers would make it. Fuck, Levi knew how Pyro handled problems. Was Chance frightened that Levi might go the same way? Chance needed Levi to reassure him by talking, so Levi could give him that.
But for now, he had to check on his girl.
I heard the roar of pipes and looked up and noticed a lone rider enter the car park opposite my building. I peered out of the window and saw Levi swinging a long leg over the bike as he parked it. Without speaking to anyone, Levi jogged across the street, aiming directly for my building.
My heart sped up a little, and I fluffed my hair. Quickly, I checked my makeup and removed a smudge just as someone knocked. I called an enter, and Levi strode in with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hi,” I responded as he shut the door and took the seat opposite me.
“How’s things going?” he asked, his gaze keen.
“The Midnight Hour is making more money than I expected,” I replied cheerfully.
“Great to hear. And the stalkers?” Levi inquired.
Wow, talk about direct.
“Who told you?”
“Baby, Hellfire gets to hear everything. Four girls having issues with two nut jobs becomes our business. Especially if they’re on our street. Hellfire’s been watching you this last week while I was away,” Levi replied cooly.
My brows snapped together in a frown. Hellfire had been watching us? What on earth for?
“Why what, babe?” Levi drawled, holding my gaze.
“Erm, why have you been watching us? What’s in it for you?”
“Making sure the woman I want to get to know is safe is my reward. There’s been more shit delivered here, hasn’t there?” Levi asked.
I wondered which statement to tackle first. Did I want this rough-and-tumble biker interested in me? It was great watching him from a distance, but Levi frightened me. He had more power than he knew over me. And shit, no lie, I’d missed him this week.
“Where have you been? You say you want to get to know me, but you disappeared on me,” I asked calmly.
Levi smiled, and I nearly winced. Fuck, he had dimples. God, that made him even hotter.
“Sometimes I need to get away. When I’m overloaded and about to lose control, I go to a cabin. There I paint and dance until I am back in control. I’m trusting you with the information,” Levi said openly.
Crap, that level of honesty hit home. I could only give him the same.
“There were fingers delivered to my house the other night. The police think they’re dealing with a serial killer and stalker. But the one delivering shit here is totally different. He’s sending flowers, and teddy bears etc. One’s trying to scare me to death, and the other is trying to woo me. Detective Hawthorne is convinced I have two stalkers. God knows where from.”