Page 33 of The Speakeasy of Hell
Chapter Seven.
Jesus, was that how his brother was thinking? Chance was more worried about fighting on two fronts. Was Levi really interested in Madisen, or was it lust? Levi was never a guy to discuss feelings; oh, he showed fondness towards the old ladies, but he never discussed emotions. None of them did, but Levi was buttoned up tighter than any of the others. Only Chatter would rival Levi’s close-lipped tightness.
Chance returned to church, pissed Levi hadn’t stopped and listened to him, and ended the meeting. The old ladies were waiting, and as he walked into the rec room, Clio flew towards him. Her face was pale, and she was shaking slightly as she curled into his chest.
“What happened to Levi? Why did he storm out like that? Why did you chase him?” Clio demanded as she buried her face in his chest.
Chance wrapped his arms around her, a slight frown on his face. Clio seemed overly upset by their disagreement.
“He’s got his knickers in a twist over a woman,” Chance rumbled.
Clio stiffened.
“Who?” she whispered. “Do we need to reach out to her?”
Chance loved the way Clio’s heart would expand to include the new women his brothers were bringing into the club.
“Maybe not yet. We are not sure about her. Madisen has mafia ties, and we’re wary,” Chance murmured. Clio turned to a statue in his arms.
“Mafia?” she whispered.
“You can’t let her in!” Clio shrieked, pulling away from Chance, so suddenly he jumped.
“Babe,” Chance rumbled, reaching for her.
“No!” Clio screamed, and Chance froze at the wild look in her eyes. “No more threats. A cult blew us up, nearly killed some of us. Fanatic was badly hurt; Rooster lost a leg. No more danger. We have lunatics from the Fangs chasing everyone, wanting what we’ve got. So much danger and death. Tell Levi he’s not to have her; she’s not welcome!”
Around them, silence fell as everyone turned to watch. Shocked expressions crossed the old ladies’ faces, and on two of them, guilt shone. Alice and Sallie-Anne looked horrified. Sadness and concern showed on his brother’s faces too.
“Baby, it’s okay. If Levi brings her in, we’ll make sure everything is safe beforehand,” Chance soothed, reaching for Clio. She wrapped her arms around her tightly as she backed away. A noise like a wounded animal escaped her, and Chance froze on the spot.
“No. She stays away; no more death. Look what happened to me. I’m barren because of them. If any woman brings trouble with her, she’s not welcome here. No more danger, no more risk, no more impact in our lives. Tell them they can only date safe women,” Clio demanded, waving her arms wildly before re-wrapping them around herself.
“Baby, where is this coming from? I can not dictate who dates who,” Chance asked gently. His concern was way past overload, and it was taking all his effort to keep calm. Shouting at Clio certainly wouldn’t help her.
“Don’t you understand? All girls bring to Hellfire is drama and death. I can’t take it anymore. I’m useless, ugly, and barren! Why are you still with me? I can’t give you any more kids, and now you want to bring in more women with danger attached to them. No! I won’t allow anyone else to destroy our lives. What about the babies? She could be a threat to them.”
Chance winced as Clio’s voice reached a piercing shriek. He could see her working herself up but couldn’t stop her. Chance didn’t have the words. Luckily, someone did.
“That’s enough!” Phoenix snapped as she marched forward.
“No, it’s not. Not everyone can afford security like you. This has nothing to do with you; you are not an old lady; you’re a sister, and I gotta protect them. Keep your nosey beak out of my shit!”
Chance hissed as Phoe raised a hand and struck Clio hard. But not hard enough for what happened next. Clio’s eyes rolled up, and she sank to the ground.
Phoe leapt forward and caught her before she landed and banged her head.
“What the fuck was that?” Bear demanded into the silence.
“The reaction of a woman who’s bottled everything up to remain strong,” Phoe answered as Chance snatched Clio from Phoe’s arms.
“Shit, Clio’s completely out of it,” Chance murmured as he hefted her up.
“Clio needs help,” Phoe said calmly.