Page 27 of The Speakeasy of Hell
Brandy let out a horrified gasp and then left. No doubt to send Cami and Tami to bed.
Damn it. I had hoped Derek might be wrong.
“I need to ask some questions,” Lio said and settled in.
With effort, I hid my yawn and prepared not to meet my bed for at least another hour.
Chapter Six.
“How are you feeling?” Derek asked the next afternoon, his voice warm.
“Tired. That was a hell of a night,” I complained.
“Yes, I understand that. Dane and Daithi have landed and are on their way to you. I did notice you had some spare bedrooms, if you can put them up. It would make protecting you easier,” Derek replied. But it was more an order than a suggestion.
“I’m not sure, Derek. It feels like we’re being invaded by McKenzies. And that in itself is a threatening aspect,” I said honestly.
Derek fell quiet.
“It was hard for us to stand on the sidelines all those years watching Oscar and Jeremy abuse you. Oh, we know there was physical as well as mental and emotional. But if we’d made a move back then, you and your cousins’ lives would have been in serious danger. Can you imagine how it felt to all of us that for twenty years we had to sit knowing our sister was in dangerous hands?
“Madisen, we want to know you better, claim you as ours, but we can’t do that. It would put you and your cousins in too much danger. A female McKenzie would be highly sought after. But we can place you under our protection, and it’s something we’ve done in the past so nobody would raise an eyebrow. As hard as all this is for you, and as new as everything is, please remember that for twenty years we knew we had a sister we could not claim. All we’d like is some quality time with you and your cousins. Because if they’re your family, then that makes them ours, too,” Derek said sincerely.
Shame bit into me. I was considering it all from my side. It must have been horrendous, waiting on the sidelines and having snatched moments with me. I couldn’t imagine losing one of the girls and knowing she was family, but I couldn’t claim them as such.
“Sorry. I made this all about me, and it is not. It’s about all of us. Daithi and Dane are welcome to stay here. But they can keep their horny mitts off Tami,” I warned, and Derek laughed.
“Yes, our two youngest brothers are man whores,” Derek said with a grin. “But a certain bodyguard might have something to say, anyway!”
“Would you be okay with that?” I asked.
“Riley was yours before he was ever mine. I took him on because of how loyal he was to you women. Despite constant prying and threats, that guy never once allowed anything to slip. If he became family, I’d be honoured to call him brother. Riley has always protected you girls, even when working for me,” Derek said with approval.
“Good. We like him too. And maybe Tami more than likes him,” I mused. A glint lit in my eye. We did have some spare bedrooms, Riley needed to stay with us too.
“Leave me out of your matchmaking!” Derek warned.
I sniggered as Derek tousled my hair and then turned to the window as he heard a car arrive.
Moments later, I was held tightly between Daithi and Dane as they murmured into my ear. It was clear, for both of them, this was an emotional moment. The first chance they had to hold their baby sister. Not saying it wasn't sentimental for me too, it was. The love that poured from the two stunningly handsome youngest McKenzies was beyond belief. I felt it flow over me and settle deep. Finally, I had brothers who gave a shit about me.
Brandy, Cami, and Tami all stood watching. None of them said a word, but I saw the tears in their eyes.
Daithi broke off with a wicked glint in his eye and snatched Brandy up and held her as she grunted threats against his broad chest. Dane laughed when she was let go and grabbed her next.
“If you belong to Madisen, you’re ours too,” Dane muttered to Tami, who looked overwhelmed as she was next in line for a hug. Cami had tears of happiness in her eyes and held onto Daithi as tightly as he had her. It was a known fact that all the McKenzies were protective of women, and they only had one female cousin in their family. Eimear was spoiled and much loved by her cousins and heavily guarded.
“Have you told Eimear?” I asked with her on my mind.
“Oh yes. We had to stop her flying out. You’ll find Eimear’s ecstatic at having a female cousin that we can focus half our attention on. In fact, don’t be too surprised to discover Eimear directing us in your direction a lot,” Derek said with a snort.
“Yea, she thinks we’ll be splitting our attention,” Daithi grunted. “Girl’s wrong.”
Brandy chuckled as Cami twittered.
“How fun to have a male who actually cares,” Cami drawled.