Page 2 of The Speakeasy of Hell
Jere faced me, but I kept up the expressionless mask that I had perfected over the years. Jere snorted and turned his attention back to Mr Applegate.
“Jeremy, I did you a huge disservice. You became a spoiled, petulant, entitled brat. I encouraged your weakness and spite and didn’t teach you how to be a man. Well, it’s time to rectify that,
“Accept these gifts in the vein they are meant.
“Oscar Roderick.”
“What the fuck is that meant to mean?” Jere exploded.
“The will is pretty straightforward,” Mr Applegate said.
“Oh, get to it. We don’t have all night. Just give us the bare bones,” Jere dictated.
Mr Applegate sent him a disgusted look and continued. “Miss Camille Roderick, you were left the yachtSunrise, the home in Crete, and two million dollars,” Mr Applegate read.
Camille rose to her feet in shock as Jeremy gaped at her.
My eyebrows lifted in a sign of my own surprise, but that was all.
“Miss Tamsin Roderick, you have received the lake house on Lake Superior and a house in France. You have also been left Mr Roderick’s Bentley and two million dollars,” Mr Applegate announced.
“The fucking Bentley?” Jere screeched, and I heard the volume drop outside the door.
Inside, I gloated as my brother finally looked unhinged.
“Miss Brandy Carter, you received the ranch, which belonged to your father’s in its entirety, a house in Italy, and the Bugatti—plus, two million dollars,” Mr Applegate told her.
Brandy jumped to her feet in shock.
“There has to be some mistake,” she exclaimed.
“No, it is perfectly clear,” Mr Applegate announced.
Brandy shook her head in disbelief.
“Sit the fuck down,” Jere snapped.
Brandy retook her seat, looking shell-shocked as she slumped back.
“Mr Jeremy Roderick, your father left you the house in New York and one hundred thousand dollars a year; for the next ten years, this will be managed and held in a trust. He also left you fifty thousand dollars to start an enterprise of your own choice,” Mr Applegate said.
Jere frowned, but I knew what was coming next. Jere still hadn’t realised that was all he was getting. His ego hadn’t even let him consider it, I guessed.
“The rest of the houses, including this one and their contents, all go to Miss Madisen Roderick. As does the car collection, the two private planes, all of your father’s fortune—except the bequests he made—and everything else. The entire estate is granted to Miss Madisen Roderick,” Mr Applegate said.
The clock ticked loudly in the silence that fell. Nobody looked at each other. We were all in shock—or feigning it.
Then Jere detonated.
“Check that fucking will again!”
“There is no need. Your father signed this half a year ago. In front of six reputable witnesses. On their advice, considering how they believed you’d react, your father’s signature has also been confirmed as authentic by an independent firm. And it is, shall I say, watertight. If anybody here challenges it, they lose their right to their inheritance. And if anyone seeks to sign their portion over, they lose it immediately to a charity. The will is completely and utterly unchangeable. Your father added a note. He said, ‘It is time you became your own man’,” Mr Applegate added. “‘And to stop riding his coattails.’ He started off with less than half of what he left you, so good luck.”
Jere waited for a few moments and then launched himself across the floor at me. He knocked me backwards in my chair, and his hands grasped my throat.
Cami and Tami screamed as Brandy leapt on Jere’s back, trying to wrench him off.
Mr Applegate rose to his feet and roared for help as my eyesight blackened and I gasped for breath.