Page 11 of The Speakeasy of Hell
Despite Cami telling him to his face she was a lesbian and never going to willingly sleep with a man, Millar hadn’t stopped. As far as he’d been concerned, Cami was his property as soon as Oscar had offered her. My dismantling of father’s world, and leaving it, clearly didn’t mean anything to Millar. He thought Oscar’s blood meant something—blood and title Cami offered him—and planned to proceed with Oscar’s plan.
I’d no intention of allowing that to happen.
I parked in my space, leapt out of the car, and nearly stormed up the drive. Tami met me at the door, and in a quick glimpse, I spotted a gun in her waistband, a shoulder holster hidden by her cardigan, and one strapped to her ankle. No doubt Tami also had knives on her body.
“He’s not having my sister,” Tami growled.
“Indeed not. There is nothing remaining of the Roderick crime syndicate, so I don’t know why any of us hold any more value. But Millar will be reminded of my previous warning,” I said firmly as I hurried to my study.
Once inside, I locked the doors and windows and lowered the shutters. Opening the top drawer in my desk, I pulled out one of my father’s favourite toys. A high-powered jammer. Turning that on, I walked to the safe and opened it. I grabbed one of the thick files and flicked through it before extracting a page. This would be enough of a threat for Millar to heed. I turned the jammer off and loaded up my laptop before sending some information from a secure email. Once I knew it’d been read, which only took ten minutes, I picked up the mobile in the top drawer.
I waited another twenty minutes to ensure there was movement on my information and gazed at the phone.
It was my old one, the number that everyone from those days had. Hardly anyone had my new one. Flicking through, I hit Millar’s number and waited as it dialled, my nails tapping on my desk.
Millar answered after the fifth ring, just as I knew he would. It was Millar’s power play.
“Madisen Roderick, what a surprise,” he drawled, and I heard the smug tone in his voice.
“Millar, I wish I could say what a pleasure this was. However, the truth is far from that,” I stated with a clear chill.
“Your cousin was promised to me by Oscar,” Millar said, dropping all pretence.
“As I explained to you before. None of us have anything to do with your world anymore. Cami’s value to you is nothing. Forcing Cami to be your wife would be a sign of weakness on your part. That you married a lesbian and have to rape her every night. That would not been seen as strength, Millar, but a weakness. Marrying a woman you have to rape to sleep with you, your enemies would have a field day,” I said, the chill still in my voice.
“Then we differ in opinion, Madisen. Most would see me as claiming my right and breaking the bitch,” Millar growled.
“As of thirty minutes ago, information found its way to the McKenzies concerning your fifth warehouse. I picked a lesser target because I don’t want a war, Millar. This is a warning. One that this time you should take seriously. I have no doubt the McKenzies are already on the move and raiding happily after you took that gun deal from them.”
“You fucking bitch, Madisen!” Millar yelled.
“I warned all of you, leave us alone. We want nothing to do with any of you. We want to live our lives in peace. But should that peace be threatened, then we shall react in self-defence? You shot at us today; I retaliated. Please don’t make threats. My father may be dead, but I have every single piece of information he had. And like him, I am not afraid to use it. My advice, Millar, is to forget Cami ever existed and find a nice little wife for yourself. Should you cross my path, upset Cami, or any of my cousins, you’ll find the McKenzies will receive a lot more information than I just sent them,” I replied.
“You know, Madisen, you would make a brilliant wife,” Millar said with slight admiration in his voice.
I shuddered.
“Any man who takes me by force will certainly never sleep under the same roof as me.”
“You’d slit his throat.” Millar chuckled. The chuckle made my skin crawl because it wasn’t mirth. There was curiosity and intrigue behind it. It was possible that I’d just re-directed Millar’s interest. And he was a man who needed several lessons to learn one thing.
So be it. I could dismantle his empire.
Millar had made the mistake of pissing off the Irish. And the McKenzies were after blood. Millar didn’t have time to move the goods in that warehouse before the McKenzies arrived. Both of us knew Millar had lost the warehouse, the goods, money, and workers there. That bunch of flowers had turned into a costly mistake.
“And something else. I hope we’re clear Cami is off-limits. I’d hate for you to suffer any further business loss,” I stated.
“An eye for an eye, Madisen,” Millar said and disconnected.
I threw the phone in the drawer as I sucked in a breath.
Millar’s taunt had been made to un-nerve me, and it had a little. But in that safe, I held my father’s true treasure. Information on the controlling families that’d been important in his world. As soon as Oscar croaked his last breath, I’d raided his vault and stole everything. Shit, his body had still been warm when I smuggled the papers out of the house and to a different location.
After the funeral, more than one head of opposing houses had contacted me. I quietly confirmed I possessed the information but didn’t plan to use it and then gave the person a part of my father’s estate as a balm. It helped that the McKenzies had quickly filled the vacuum created by Oscar’s death. When they’d phoned me, I offered Oscar’s drug-running shit, and they’d snapped it up.
A simple threat, that should my cousins or I be harmed or killed then the information would be released, immediately stopped any retaliation. Derek McKenzie had laughed and said he admired my balls. Then, to my surprise, he made it known that my cousins and I were off-limit and under McKenzie protection. It was Derek to whom I’d sent the information on Millar. And Derek would know it was me.
Nobody else would dare contact the head of the Irish family with such intel. Derek’s face flashed into my mind. He was the eldest of six brothers, no older than thirty-five. His reputation was ruthless and made the devil cringe in fear.