Page 83 of Twisted Obsession
“I don’t know you.” Something I’ve been repeating for a while.
“Yes, you do.” He tips my head back and rinses the soap away. “You know me, Melody Cameron. You just have to remember.”
You just have to remember.Dread is a lead ball in the pit of my stomach.
“And if I don’t?”
He shrugs. Kisses my cheek. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll make you fall in love with me all over again.”
“You ready?” I lean in toward Melody. I hook my arm around her shoulders and draw her closer.
“To meet your family? Yeah, sure. No biggie.” Melody runs her hands down her blouse. “Way to spring this on a girl.”
I roll my eyes. “You’ll be fine.”
“Did you tell them that I have amnesia?”
“Did you tell them I used to be your professor?”
I smile. “No.”
She hasn’t let that one go. Unsurprisingly. She didn’t quite let it go when shewasmy professor either. Some things don’t change.
“I think there’s time to explore a new kink tonight,” I add.
She narrows her eyes at me. “What does that mean?”
I shrug. I mean, I know exactly what I have planned, but she doesn’t. She won’t until it’s too late. We put our names in at the hostess stand, and the woman tells us we’re the last to arrive.
Melody pats my hand. “Ready?” she parrots.
We’re led to the table. My mother jumps to her feet and practically launches herself at me. I release Melody long enough to hug my mother back and ease the withering glare of my father. I introduce Melody to the group and circle around to greet Vicky and her husband, Richard.
I don’t know what Melody makes of it, and I ignore the rogue looks Vicky shoots my way. I end up sitting between her and Melody, across from my parents and Richard. After a brief pause, conversation kicks back up. Richard and my father are discussing the latest reform bills, talk of defunding the police, and some odd political move by Senator Devereux.
“He’s aligning himself with the Wests,” Richard spits at one point. “And the governor is just as bad. There are whispers she has ties to the Mafia.”
My eyebrows rise. “The New York governor? Sandra White?”
“She’s as corrupt as they come,” Dad mutters. “The DeSantises had her in their pocket until the war that broke out between the Wests and DeSantises a few years ago. Although just the other week, she had someone arrested for rescuing her daughter.”
“She’s just trying to do her best,” Vicky says. “And I heard it was kidnapping, not rescuing.”
Mom frowns. “A truce with the Mafia would go a long way.”
Melody’s eyes are wide, bouncing back and forth between them. Organized crime has always been an interesting subject of debate for my father. Of course Richard would latch on to that, and it seems like Vicky is just as eager to discuss.
“You must get a lot of calls from… victims of those sorts of crime,” Melody offers across to Vicky.
The latter makes a face. “Most of the victims are cowards. They think snitching will get them further harmed. More often than not, the calls come from concerned citizens, third parties who witnessed something, things like that.”