Page 61 of Twisted Obsession
After dressing, I close her in my room and head to my office. It’s tucked out of the way, behind the kitchen, and is neglected ninety percent of the time. My agent said I should have an office, so I did. I had the space for the design, and the interior decorator didn’t object.
I sink into the leather chair and kick my feet up on the desk, dialing a number by heart.
“A bit early for you, isn’t it?”
I bite back a smile and check my watch. It’s just past one o’clock. “I felt like mixing things up.”
“Well, I suppose that’s something.” Vicky chuckles. “Thanks for the tickets, by the way. Of course it’s a game that you lose.”
“I can’t exactly predict that,” I defend. “Did you like the suite?”
“It was great.”
I had to pull strings with Knox to get it, but it’s worth it. Vicky, the 9-1-1 dispatcher who works in my father’s district, deserves the best.
“The limo was an extra touch,” she adds.
“Well, it’s just for the favor I’m about to ask. Preemptively sweetening the deal, you know?”
She groans.
“I haven’t even asked yet.”
“Yeah, but it was a limo. I’m sure it’s going to be a big ask. I’d bet money on it.”
“Game seven tickets are calling your name, Vicky.”
She’s quiet for a beat. “In a suite. With a limo.”
“Done.” I snap my fingers. “Can you tell me about a TRO that was filed in New York City? Filed by Melody Cameron.”
“Oh, Jacob, what the hell are you up to?”
I think of the scars. The fear on Melody’s face. She needed to get drunk to face it, and it kills me that she’s going through this alone. Without knowing where her ex-husband is, or what his name is, I know I need to find him.
And maybe end his miserable life once and for all.
“Give me a moment,” Vicky finally says.
Giving in.
“Henry Armstrong.”
I suck in a breath—then write down the name. I almost don’t bother, but it gives me something to do while my mind whirls. Months ago, a man I assumed was her current husband revealed himself to me as Mr. Cameron. Clearly that was a lie to keep me at bay or to conceal his identity. Both in that he’s her ex and has a different name.
But it worked. I was sent down a rabbit hole of trying to find Melody’s maiden name, court documents for the change, their marriage certificate. To come up blank because Cameronisher maiden name.
“Last known address?”
“He put his forwarding address out of New York to California.” Her voice sours. “The report is from four years ago. Jacob…”
Her tone belies how bad it is, and I grip the pen hard enough to crack it.
“Can you send it to me?”
“Vicky. I just want to protect her, and I don’t know how. I’m flying blind here.”