Page 35 of Twisted Obsession
She takes a step back.
“Wait, please.” I hold up my hands. “You know me, don’t you? This is coming out all wrong. You said my name. You must know me.”
“I do…”
“I woke up in a hospital three months ago,” I blurt out. “No memories. Nothing.”
I press my lips together.
She extends her hand. “I’m Lucy Page.”
“Melody Cameron,” I say as I shake it. “You knew that. Sorry.”
“Stop apologizing, my God.” She doesn’t release my hand and instead pulls me forward.
I crash into her chest, and she hugs me.Hard. Like we fit together, or hugged a thousand times before, I instinctively hug her back.
“I missed the fuck out of you,” she whispers. When she finally releases me, she quickly wipes tears from her eyes. “Your hair is blonde.”
I touch a lock. “Was it not always?”
Her gaze roves over my face. “No, it was light brown. You never colored it. In the summer you’d get little highlights from the sun, but it was all natural.”
“And it’s been two years since we’ve seen each other.” I shift my weight.
Kristy will want me back, probably. Eventually. I feel the need to return pressing into my spine. Conscious of my job, of getting fired, of a precarious line I walk. If I get fired, would Jacob still let me crash in his spare room? I wouldn’t be able to afford anything else, and the thought of returning to Thomas’s house terrifies me.
“Yeah.” She frowns. “I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not the best at keeping in contact. We were so busy, me with my job and Theo’s—my husband—and you with teaching—”
I hold up my hand, trying to hide my shock. “Wait, teaching?”
She tilts her head. “Whatdoyou know?”
Before I can answer, the horn in the arena blows.
“I need to get back,” I murmur.
The hallway is clearing out.
“Worst timing ever,” Lucy says. “Okay, here. Put your contact details in, and I’ll call you.”
I take her phone and frown at it. “We’re just visiting, though. I live in Denver.”
“Okay, okay.” I input my details, having been forced by Thomas and Natalie to memorize my number just in case, and hand it back. “Thank you.”
She hugs me again. “I’ll call you and fill in the details I can. I promise. We’ll make it work.”
I don’t know what to say to that, so I don’t. We part ways, and I head back toward the opening Kristy pointed me through. I get all the way back to her with this new hope bubbling in my chest, before it’s squashed in one, foul moment.
She said I hadn’t seen her in two years.
So where was I in that time?
I let out a breath and focus on work. Kristy is talking to the equipment manager when I return, and she’s got that look in her eye. Like someone with a crush.