Page 23 of Twisted Obsession
A tendril of fear winds through me, closing my throat. I shift away from him slowly and stare straight ahead, while my mind turns to all the ways I might escape. Do I humor him and engage in conversation? Do I ignore him? Or pretend I’m deaf?
That ship already sailed.
He bumps my arm again. “A pretty lady like you… you got a boyfriend, babe?”
My skin crawls. I pause the music and fight the way my shoulders try to rise to my ears. Barely looking down, I thumb over to my conversation with Thomas…
Then pause.
And switch to Jacob.
Being harassed on the train. Idk what to do.
The man’s hand lands on my thigh, and I wince.
“My ex-wife always talked too much. I like the quiet type. A girl who knows how to keep her mouth shut. Or open, depending on the situation.” He adjusts his seat, spreading his leg until that, too, touches me. His voice drops. “You know, no one’s around. You could put that mouth to good use. Since you’re not the conversationalist.”
“Please go away.” I can barely force the words out.
My phone buzzes against my palm.
What station is next?
I glance out the window at the flashing scenery.
The arena’s, I think
The man knocks my phone out of my hand. It hits the floor and skids away, and his fingers tighten on my leg. He crowds me against the window.
“Stop.” I push at his hand. “Don’t touch me.”
“Don’t be a bitch,” he growls.
The train is slowing. I have no idea if my text sent, but I do know I need to get off the damn train.
“This is my stop.” I hoist my purse up higher on my shoulder, my grip tight to hide my shaking fingers. “Excuse me.”
“Nah.” He leans back, releasing my thigh and moving his arm over the back of my seat. It puts us in closer proximity—which is worse. “Not without payment.”
The train comes to a stop. The doors open.
And he hasn’t moved.
I think… I might’ve once had a snappy response. There’s one on the tip of my tongue, something about a troll and a bridge, but the words are stuck in my throat.
I take a shallow breath, then another. The doors close, and the train is off again.
He sneers at me. “Guess you have the time now.”
“No,” I whisper. I scan for my phone, but it seems long gone. Slid away to an unknown place.
He’s not even making that big of a fuss. His voice isn’t loud. There are other people on the train, but none of them look twice at us. Atme. I stare hard at them, wondering if they can feel my pleading gaze.
But then the door between cars slides open, and Jacob Rhodes pushes his way through.
A little exhale of relief slips out, although I know the danger isn’t gone. I mean, it’s still here, sitting next to me—but somethingelsesays that the bigger danger just walked in.