Page 146 of Twisted Obsession
“Because I don’t trust that Henry Armstrong will leave his gun behind next time.” He takes my hands, pulling me to my feet. “How would you feel if I shot that motherfucker in the face?”
I think about that. The violence is coming back. Not just, you know,hockey. But what I know about Henry. And Jacob, too. He wouldn’t hesitate—I know that. So when I think about the fear that lives in my chest at the thought of my ex-husband, it’s easy to think that a restraining order won’t stop him.
Restraining orders stop law-abiding citizens.
Not mad men like him.
If he was dead, would my fear lessen? Would it go away entirely?
Jacob waits for my answer. His blue eyes are dark, the gold almost entirely erased by the dilation of his pupils. He’s holding my hands, but some part of me thinks he might be preparing to try his case in a court where I’m his judge, jury, and executioner.
“I don’t like the thought of murder,” I say gently, removing my hand from his and pressing it to his chest. “But if anyone should meet the Devil sooner than planned, it’s him.”
No sign of Henry Armstrong.
Now that I know he’s also Thomas Cameron, I spend a good thirty minutes mentally kicking myself.
I was in his home. I looked at photos of him on the wall with his wife. But a family truly must be the best undercover story, because I didn’t suspect him.
Knox showed up with a stitched and bandaged arm at almost midnight, apologizing to Melody for his impromptu desire to go see the suites. I almost hit him in the arm for eventhinkingleaving their section was a good idea, but Melody smiled at him.
Whatever they went through seemed to have solidified him as a good guy in her mind. Strange, considering Willow and Miles have the opposite opinion.
Well, that’s not quite fair. It’s been a few years, and they’re working through it. They’re amicable. I guess.
But Melody waves him into our hotel room, even though she’s in her PJs, and motions for him to sit on the couch beside the bed. She sits next to him and waves the book he gave her.
“You brought it?”
“I read it.”
He nods carefully. “And?”
“It’s a dark romance.” She shrugs. “Kind of exactly what it’s advertising. There’s an arranged marriage, a kidnapping, a lot of sex.”
“Sex?” I blurt out. “You’ve been reading a sex book?”
She bites her lip and bats her eyelashes at me. “Only when you’re otherwise engaged.”
“Out.” I march forward and grab Knox’s good arm, towing him up and practically dragging him out of the room. “See you tomorrow.Bye.”
As soon as the door is closed behind him, I wheel around and stalk back to Melody.
“Now… tell me more about this sex book.”
She laughs.
* * *
“I don’t feel like an adult.”
I glance at Melody. She’s in a fitted version of my jersey, black leggings, and boots that end just below her knees. They encase her calves deliciously, and the slight heel makes her ass biteable. We’re both getting ready in the hotel bathroom. She’s curling her hair, I’m shaving my face.