Page 40 of Little Girl (Dark and Twisted Tales)
“Why do I feel like I’m on fire?” My voice cracks from my throat being so damn dry.
“Your brain was bleeding.” He says this like it’s no big deal.
“Fun,” I grouch.
“Not really. Sol was a fucking mess. She wouldn’t go home, wouldn’t eat. Wouldn’t stop moving long enough for anyone to check her over until the doctors insisted you were going to be fine. I’m pretty sure they lied to her just so she would sit down,” Noble explains.
Rubbing my hands up and down the parts of her body I can reach, I inhale at the top of her head, needing her sweet scent to fire up my synapses. “How is she?” I glance back at them. They share a look. “Tell me,” I demand.
“She’s been ovulating the last couple of days,” Noble starts; my heart pounds. “It’s too early to know if she’s pregnant, but they’re treating her as though she is.”
“So, what’s wrong?” There must be something they aren’t telling me.
“She’s exhausted. Everything has caught up with her. She’s dehydrated, and the doctor said she’s been undernourished for a while now. They want her to give up swimming competitively.” The worry in their eyes is evident as they explain it.
“She’s not injured from the explosion? The kidnapping?” They both shake their heads. “How long have I been in here?”
Noble checks his watch. “You’ve been out cold for almost thirty hours. She only settled down about three hours ago.”
“Everyone will be fine.” A nurse enters the room. “As long as you both follow the doctor’s orders, there’s no reason to think anything should be wrong.” Grabbing a pair of gloves, she makes her way over to Sol. “I’m Lux James. I’ve been assigned to Miss Titan until she’s released. Just checking on her vitals and giving her another bag of saline and nutrients.” Her smile is friendly.
I watch her go through her paces to keep Sol healthy, pleased that she doesn’t try to wake up our woman. “How are you feeling, Mr. Prince?” Her attention turns to me for a moment before continuing with Sol.
“Fine.” I don’t give two shits about me.
“You’re quite lucky. They didn’t need to drill a hole in your skull to drain the excess fluid.” I cringe at the image, and she laughs. “Pretty much everyone’s reaction. But you’re fine and healing nicely.” She’s gone in another minute.
Sol sighs against my side before shivering. She’s only wearing a hospital gown, and this thin-ass blanket is all that covers us. I look at my friends. “There a better blanket somewhere?” Duke is out the door, making demands before coming back with three more blankets in hand.
“I’ll see if Gabriel can’t stop and grab something better on his way here.” Noble pulls out his phone to text the man in question.
“Why’s he coming here?” I ask as Duke pulls off the useless blanket and spreads a fresh, warmer one over our bodies. Sol practically climbs on top of me, not settling until she’s spread across as much surface as she can and my arms are holding her tight. My ribs feel ready to explode, and my vision wavers for a minute.
“Lucky prick,” Duke grins, kissing the exposed skin on her shoulder before covering her up completely. I can’t help my cocky grin.
“He wants to make sure our girl is alright, and I think he’s got a thing for that nurse.” Noble glances out of the room to the woman standing and laughing at the nurse’s station.
“So, when do we get to go home?” Not that I mind having Sol clinging to me, but I’d prefer it in our bed where Noble and Duke can join us. My dick jumps at the thought.
“The morning, as long as she finishes these two bags, and you can walk straight.” I grimace at having to stay another night. “We’re not going anywhere,” Noble tells me, and I’m glad. I’d hate for them to have to miss a night with her because we’re in here. Even though we can’t share a bed, I know she’ll feel better with all three of us surrounding her.
With night falling, my exhaustion grows, and soon, I find myself dozing on and off, being awoken every few hours and asked annoying questions. By the time morning arrives, I’m ready to fucking bolt.
* * *
Everything in me aches. I don’t understand how, but I hurt in places I didn’t even know existed, yet my energy has never felt better. I’m told it’s because I wasn’t taking care of myself properly before. I didn’t bother to explain that I wasn’t in control of what I put into my body until my three men took over my care.
Warmth surrounds me as I slowly open my eyes, not wanting to leave this cocoon I seem to be in, but when I find my men lying around me, maybe it won’t be so bad. Sun bathes our room through the spread curtains, a light breeze flows from the open window, and for the first time in my life, I don’t feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Gingerly, I move out of Lorde’s embrace and over Duke’s body before tiptoeing across the plush carpet and into the bathroom. My stomach grumbles, and I’m not even sure what day it is. I vaguely remember leaving the hospital, but I was so exhausted that Duke had carried me out while Noble helped Lorde. When we arrived home, I crashed, and I think I’ve woken up once or twice, but it’s all so fuzzy.
While Lorde was being treated in the hospital, I had a wonderful talk with a nurse—Lux, I think her name was—about my nutrition and how I needed to start taking better care of myself. When she’d gone over my test results with me, she felt my disappointment over not knowing if I was pregnant, which led to another lengthy conversation about how to treat my body if and when it happens.
So here I am in the kitchen, creating a veggie-lovers egg frittata with whole wheat chia seed waffles and frying some sausage. I ate the way I had been because of my mother and her desire to have me perfect by some unhealthy standard; now I’m eating with the plan to make myself healthy enough to carry another life inside me.