Page 34 of Kiss of the Dark Elf's Blade
He tries to pull away, emitting a harsh moan, but I won’t let him. I reach to pull him toward me.
“If you’re going to fucking moan, it better be my name on your lips,” he says, cockiness oozing from his voice. He thinks he’s already won me over. He thinks he owns my soul.
“I don’t know your name.”
“It’s Thali, baby.”
His tongue roams along my neck, his teeth penetrating my skin. His name escapes my throat, surprising me. It gets louder and louder, a billowing contradiction rising from deep within my soul.
I am no longer holding the reins. The words that escape from my mouth, as I urge him on, are not mine, or they do not feel like mine. I am trapped, a prisoner within my own body.
Stop lying to yourself. You know you love this.
I close my eyes, succumbing to whatever vile plans this dark elf, Thali, has for me.
His hands reach to undo my pants, and I’ve fully committed to him. I can feel the heat burning within me. I want him to strip me naked in the forest and fuck me against the tree. I want everybody in Lowtown to hear my moans and know my treachery, watching me bend over as he impregnates me with his turgid cock, helping to create a new generation of dark elves to torment them.
A branch snaps.
“What are you doing?”
I realize that I am alone in the clearing now. I recognize Riya’s voice behind me.
“Nothing,” I lie, turning around to face her. “Just out for a walk.”
She looks down at the ground where I stand, numb to the dishonesty.
“Your pants are falling down,” she tells me.
“Right,” I say, re-clasping them. “Damn clasp is faulty. Keep meaning to get a new pair.”
“The clasp looks fine to me,” she says dismissively before proceeding back toward Lowtown. I follow her through the rows of trees, Skye closely trailing me, my body sweating either from the stress of keeping this secret or from the earlier assault on my body.
I want to appreciate the passing scenery. With so many hideous things in life facing my vision daily, it’s important to never take anything for granted, and in spite of my internal disgust with myself, the animals of the forest seem content to frolic.
I envy their existence. I’d love to be an iypin, roaming mindlessly through the woods, my only concern what I’m going to eat and who I’m going to fuck. It would be so much less complicated, and I’d probably be treated better.
“Who was that you were with?”
I look over at Riya. I can feel my nerves tingling, my eyes wide. I’d rather be back at the clearing, kissing Thali. Partly, I still feel like I am.
“What do you mean?”
“In the clearing, before I found you. You were with somebody. Who was it?”
I shake my head because I have no answer to give her. Thankfully, she doesn’t press too much more. I’m at least grateful that she doesn’t seem to know I was with a dark elf.
I hesitate to think what she’d do to me if she knew that. She has a great deal of loyalty for the people she cares about, but that list doesn’t stop at me.
If she asks many more questions, I’ll just claim it’s somebody in Lowtown and leave it at that. Maybe then her mind will form the wrong conclusions, and I’ll fail to deny them.
Selfish. I’m being incredibly selfish.
I nod solemnly. The forest begins to open up, and soon the towering trees become stone buildings, weaved in vines. A group of small children are running around the street, fighting each other with tiphe sticks and pretending to be warriors.
I smile at them, remembering that even with everything I’m facing, life goes on.
“I got you!” The boy, Calen, shouts, as he swings his stick at Melandriss. The wood collides with her shoulder, and as we walk by, I can see her yelling at him for injuring her despite carrying a much larger, sharper branch. She screams and starts crying. On any other day, I’d probably intervene, but their parents will be back shortly.