Page 24 of Kiss of the Dark Elf's Blade
It doesn’t help that most of us are employed by a dark elf, including myself. We’re basically their slaves. And there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it.
Some days I wonder what the point of rebelling is. The only thing that will result from it is the death of more humans. It’s not like we could ever stand a chance against the dark elves, and I think the sooner more people realize it, the better.
There’s no point in hoping for a better future for us. It won’t come.
When I finally get home, I force myself to do the work necessary to take a bath. There’s nothing worse than sitting in my own filth after a day in that disgusting factory.
An hour goes by, and I’m finally situated in my small tub, freezing half to death. I envy the dark elves for having the magic to heat their water. It must be nice to actually be able to enjoy a bath, instead of having to rush through it.
Once I’m clean, I make my way back to my room, shivering in my robe the whole way there. I change into my softest set of clothes, which isn’t actually very soft at all, before brushing out my long hair.
My hair is the one thing I actually like about myself. It’s not that I think I’m ugly or anything. It’s just that my hair is the one part of me that always stays healthy, no matter how malnourished I am.
As I eat my measly dinner, my mind drifts back to the clearing. My fingers drift up to the necklace I’m still wearing. Suddenly I’m not hungry anymore, and I get the urge to go back there.
I’ve almost convinced myself to go when I remember the notes. How could I forget? They scared me half to death the last time I was out there. My stomach drops. Why would whoever is leaving me these gifts write such contradicting notes? It doesn’t make any sense.
Despite this, I still really want to go back. What does that say about me? Before I can answer that question, I leap to my feet and run out the door.
A few minutes into my walk, I halt. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this alone in case the threats on the notes were real. What if whoever left them decides to be bold today? Maybe I should ask Riya to go with me.
Just as I’m about to change direction, I realize that Riya definitely would not support me in doing this. In fact, she would probably beg menotto go, and that is not what I want to hear right now, even if she would be right in doing so.
I know that Riya is right. I shouldn’t be doing this. But apparently, all rationality has left my brain. I continue on my path to the woods.
The closer I get to the clearing, the faster my heart beats. It feels like at any moment, it’s going to explode in my chest.
Suddenly, a loud noise sounds right next to my ear. I jump, and my eyes widen as I gasp, but I realize that it’s just Skye.
“What the fuck, Skye, where did you even come from?Fuck, you can’t be scaring me like that,” I pant, clutching my chest.
I damn near had a heart attack just now, and my fear is even more of a sign for me to leave these woods right now. But I can’t.
Skye clicks her beak at me, flying around my head before swooping to my left. I lift an eyebrow.
“What?” I ask, even though I know she can’t answer me.
Skye simply flies back to me and clicks her beak again before taking off to my left once more. I roll my eyes but follow her anyway. Maybe she knows that I was starting to get lost out here, even though I should know this area like the back of my hand by now.
As I walk along, I listen to the sounds of the woods. I hear wings flapping and water rushing from a nearby stream. Leaves blowing in the wind. All of my favorite sounds.
If I could, I would probably live out here. It’d be nice to have a small cottage, isolated from the rest of civilization. Just me and Skye. We’d spend our days going on walks and enjoying nature together.
Too bad I’ll never get the chance. Humans don’t get to live lives like that. We’re considered lucky if we even have a place to call home.
A few minutes later, I realize that Skye has led me directly to the clearing. Is this a sign? Surely if she feels safe enough to lead me here, it can’t be that dangerous, right? That’s what I tell myself, anyway.
She squawks at me and zooms across the clearing, hovering in front of a tree. I’d recognize that tree anywhere. It’s where my last two gifts were pinned. My heart rate picks up again as I slowly make my way to the tree.
From where I stand, it looks like another necklace. But as I get closer, I see that it’s not. When I’m only a few steps away and can see it perfectly, I halt.
My heart beats impossibly fast at the same time as my stomach drops. I hear ringing in my ears, and the woods around me disappear. All I see is this fucking gift.
It’s not a necklace. It’s a fuckingcollar.I swallow once, twice. I cover my mouth with my hand. What the fuck does this mean? I know exactly what it means, but I don’t want to accept it.
My surroundings suddenly come back into focus, and my head whips around. Searching the trees around me, I look for any sign of another living being besides myself and Skye. I find nothing, but that doesn’t mean something isn’t there.
I swallow again as I return my gaze to the collar pinned to the tree. My hand reaches towards it, but I quickly decide against touching it. I can’t take this. No. This is too far.