Page 80 of Cruel Crypts
“Not only that, but you now have a confirmed place at London Southwark University. You’re going to study that degree in music and business that you’ve worked so hard for.” Maria leaned forwards, squeezing my shoulders. “We’re so proud of you.”
Anthony stood, patting my shoulder. “We are. Very proud of you, Elena.”
“Proud,” JoJo echoed, waving Iron Man in the air. I smiled, my heart full to bursting.
“I couldn’t have done it without you all.”
Across the dining table, Knox shook his head violently, his dark eyes shining with fierce pride, and I melted. “That’s all you, baby. I never had any doubt that you’d do it.”
“Your turn, now. Don’t keep us in suspense, son.” Anthony clapped his hands together as he rounded the table, stopping next to my boyfriend, who had his own laptop open in front of him.
“I’m glad I insisted on you going first.” Knox gave me a soft smile. “It means that whatever my results are, I can be happy knowing that you’ve got a bright future ahead of you.”
A lump came into my throat.This man. Every time he did or said something so soft and genuine, it made me melt. It was a side of him that was so private, and I’d never take it for granted.
“Knox! My heart can’t take this. Please, put us out of our misery,” Maria gasped dramatically as Anthony bit back an amused smile. From the way everyone was acting, it was clear that they knew exactly what I did—there was no way that Knox wouldn’t get exactly what he wanted.
“Okay. I got…” Knox paused, dragging the moment out. “Elena. I hope you’re prepared to share a living space in London.”
“You got in!” I flew out of my chair, racing around my table to throw myself into his strong arms. He caught me, tugging me into his lap as he pressed kisses to the side of my face, angling his laptop screen so I could see it.
“Yeah.” A huge grin spread across his face. “I did it. I got into the London School of Economics. One of the best law programmes in the country.”
Anthony, Maria, and JoJo all descended on him, and I disentangled myself from his arms so they could congratulate him properly, happiness bursting out of me. Our two universities were both in central London, close together, and that meant we could share the beautiful warehouse flat Anthony and Maria had sourced for us—supposedly as an investment, but they’d made it clear that they wanted us to live in it while we were based in London.
I still wasn’t ready to accept things without giving something in return, despite their insistence that I owed them nothing and I was like another daughter to them—and that was something that still made me choke up with overwhelming emotions. The fact that they accepted me and treated me the way they did was something I’d never, ever take for granted. Anyway, along the lines of paying my way, I’d applied for a student loan, and I had a part-time job interview that I’d planned to go for whether or not I got into LSU. It was at a music shop fairly close to the university, and as well as being open during the day to sell instruments and music paraphernalia, it hosted open mic nights. The hours were flexible, and I was determined to get the job.
Life was good. Better than I could have ever hoped for, other than my ex-mother being jailed recently. I hadn’t been able to face her—wasn’t sure I ever could again. But I’d written a letter to her, getting out all my thoughts on paper. It wasn’t a letter for her; it was for me, to help me process everything. I’d also continued seeing the therapist that Maria had recommended, one she’d personally used, and she was helping me to unpack the complicated feelings that I had surrounding my uncle. He’d had an affair, yes, and he’d lied in court, covering for my aunt, but at the end of the day, he didn’t deserve to be locked up for life. Knox’s dad had visited him once, and they’d had a long talk, and he’d referred my uncle to another legal professional to look at a possible appeal of his sentence.
Whatever happened, it was out of my hands. I needed to focus on the things I could control, not those I couldn’t. My priorities were Knox, his family, our friends, and now, our upcoming degree courses and move to London.
When I looked up again, Anthony was pouring champagne into four brimming glasses, and Maria was handing JoJo a cup of what looked like sparkling apple juice.
Anthony raised his glass. “To Knox and Elena.”
We all drank and exchanged yet more hugs.
A hand wrapped around my wrist, and a mouth dipped to my ear.
“Come with me.”
I went, because I’d follow Knox to the ends of the earth.
We stepped outside, and he wrapped me in his arms again. “There are so many stars tonight. I should be appreciating them, but I want one last night in the dark. One more time in the crypts.”
I glanced up at him, smiling. “If you can get us in there, I’d like that. It seems fitting. We shared our first kiss in the crypts. You were cruel to me, and I hated you, but we wanted each other even then, didn’t we?”
He returned my smile as we headed towards his SUV. “You’ve always been impossible to resist. I wanted you then, and I want you even more now.”
When we reached the Maserati, he glanced over at me. “Want to drive?”
I shook my head with a smile, climbing into the passenger seat. Driving again after the accident had been a long, slow process, but I’d gradually rebuilt my confidence, with Knox supporting me every step of the way, and I’d eventually managed to pass my driving test. I much preferred it when my boyfriend drove, though. He made me feel safe. Protected.
As we headed towards Hatherley Hall, I glanced over at his profile, drinking him in all over again.
“What you said about wanting me then and now. It’s even better now.”
His lips curved upwards. “Yeah, baby. It is. And it’ll only get better.”