Page 44 of Cruel Crypts
I glanced over at his profile, struck all over again by his looks. It wasn’t fair that he affected me so strongly. It wasn’t even just his looks anymore—the tiny glimpses he gave me of his real self only served to make me want to know more.
There was no point in thinking like that, though, so I ignored the butterflies in my belly and attempted to answer him in as normal a tone as possible. “Nothing, just tired. I thought you liked it better when I didn’t speak.”
His gaze slid to mine, then away again, amusement glinting in his eyes as a smirk curled over his lips. “I think you and I both know that I like it best when you’re moaning my name, coming all over my cock.”
I gasped at his unexpected words, shifting in my seat and rubbing my thighs together. “We agreed…I thought we said it was a one-night-only thing on Saturday?”
“It was. One hundred fucking percent. It’s not about wanting a repeat, believe me.”
“Okay. I believe you.” I slumped back in my seat as he turned the Maserati into the Hatherley Hall student car park, the tyres crunching over the gravel. When we came to a stop, I grabbed my bag and made to leave, but Knox stopped me with a hand on my arm.
“Don’t tell anyone what happened on Saturday night.”
I rolled my eyes. “Why would I want to? I have no interest in making myself a target for your groupies. Or joining their ranks, for that matter.”
His mouth twisted. “You could never be one of those girls. Fuckingnever. You’re—”
Before he could say anything hurtful, I threw the door open and slid out of the SUV. “I know. You don’t have to remind me again of how I don’t fit in here.” I managed to close the door without slamming it and walked away. Lucky for me, Katy was up ahead, meandering along the path that led from the lake to the main school building, and I waved to get her attention, detouring to catch up with her.
When she was next to me, she greeted me with a smile. “Hi. Perfect timing. You just caught me at the end of my morning walk. How was your weekend?”
I shrugged. “Busy, I guess. I worked on Saturday morning, then I had a driving lesson, and I had driving lessons again all day on Sunday. How was yours?”
She tilted her head, eyeing me as she slid her arm through mine. “Haven’t you left something out?”
I thought of Knox’s warning. “No?”
A laugh burst from her mouth. “You should see your face. I wasn’t trying to scare you or anything. I just heard from one of the girls in my dorm that you were at an event on Saturday night. With Knox.”
“Um. It wasn’t like that.” As we headed in the direction of the school, I slowed my pace, and she matched me. “It was actually his mum’s idea, and both his parents were there. I…I’m not sure why she invited me, to be honest with you, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. She even sent me to her stylist and gave me a dress and shoes, and, oh! She lent me this gorgeous diamond choker to wear. I was pretty sure the diamonds were actually real, and I was honestly scared to wear it.” Thoughts of that choker led me to thoughts of Knox… My face heated as memories flashed through my mind. He really was unforgettable, wasn’t he?
“Wow. That’s really nice of her. Do you have any photos?”
“I took a couple of selfies before I left. I’ll show you in a minute.” We pushed inside the large doors and headed up the stairs to the Epi common room, dropping into what had become our usual seats. I did my best to ignore the other side of the room where Knox and the rest of the elite held court with their usual crowd. As I showed Katy the photos, Will joined us.
“Morning, ladies.” He threw himself down next to Katy, slipping his arm around her waist. Leaning around her, he eyed me with raised brows. “What have you done to elicit the undivided attention of Knox today?”
“What?” My eyes darted in the direction of the elite, and sure enough, Knox’s dark gaze was fixed on me. I inhaled sharply, unprepared for the intensity of his stare.
With an effort, I tore my gaze away from his and back to Will’s. “I honestly have no idea.” It was the truth.
All day, whenever we were in the same room, I felt Knox’s eyes on me. By the time I reached my afternoon free period, I was climbing out of my skin, restless, needing to get away. My after-school driving lesson couldn’t come quickly enough.
One more hour to go.
During the last period of the day, my phone buzzed with a text.
Is everything OK? I didn’t get a chance to speak to you, but you looked stressed every time I saw you today. Is it Knox?
I sighed, rubbing between my brows, trying to stave off the headache that was forming. What could I tell her? He’d told me not to say anything, and I took his threat seriously because I knew he meant it.
I’m just having a bad day I think. I had a charity thing with him on Saturday night. Not sure what’s happening. He’s confusing
That was as much as I dared to say.