Page 22 of Cruel Crypts
“Explain,” he ground out, his breath hot on my skin.
“Explain what?” Normally, I’d fight back, but I didn’t want to provoke him without knowing the source of his rage.
A phone was thrust in my face. I blinked at the screen, bright against the dimness of the cellar. When it came into focus, I couldn’t stop the gasp that fell from my lips.
“Yeah. You were caught on camera.” He shoved the phone back into his pocket. “Imagine my surprise when I had an alert to say that someone was trying the door to the crypts. Then I pulled up the camera feed and saw you there. What are you doing, Elena? What the fuck is down there that interests you so much that you tried to break in to get to it?”
“I was curious.”
He laughed humourlessly. “If you’re so fucking curious, take a look.” Releasing my throat, he wrapped his fingers around my wrist, tugging me into the storeroom. Stalking over to the door, he slammed his thumb down on the fingerprint sensor. There was a click, and then he pulled the door open. “Go ahead.”
I stared down into the darkness. This wasn’t what I’d had in mind. Far from it. But something about the crypts called to me. Last night…the tombstone… I suppressed a shiver.
Knox tightened his grip on my wrist in warning. I straightened my shoulders and stepped forwards.
As we descended, the automatic lighting flicking on and illuminating our way, I loosened my hold on Elena’s wrist, but I didn’t let go of her. I couldn’t let go. I wanted to know why she was trying to break into my haven, but overriding that was the urge to remind her of her place, to wipe away the memory of that sweet fucking smile she gave to Graham, a smile she’d never given to me.
We reached the bottom of the stairs, and Elena immediately tore herself away from me, running straight to the far side, darting through the archway into the smaller area with the tombstones. I let her go—it wasn’t like she could go far. There was no escape from me down here.
When I reached the tombstones, I found her standing in front of the locked door that led into my private bedroom. Coming up behind her, I pressed up against her back, brushing her silky hair away from her ear as I lowered my head.
“That room’s off limits.”
“Why?” Her tone was sharp, interested. Too interested.
“It’s off limits to everyone, not just you.”
Her head turned, her lips almost touching mine. “Even Roman and Tristan?”
“Mmm, yeah. Even them. It belongs to me, and me alone.”
“Show me what you’re hiding,” she murmured against my mouth. Fuck. My dick was hardening in my jeans at her proximity. I’d been too angry earlier to think about the effect she had on me—too caught up in the knowledge that she was trespassing, and then the unexpected and very fucking unwanted interaction with Graham. But now, there were no distractions to remind me that messing around with this girl was a bad fucking idea. I slid my arm around her waist, pulling her into my side, my other hand already reaching into my pocket for the key. What the fuck was I doing?
“You can look, but you can’t touch. You don’t even get to step inside. Do you hear me?”
As I swung the door open, she nodded, her gaze scanning the room.
A small spider scuttled into a crack in the wall, probably startled by the creak of the wood. A cool breeze blew in from somewhere way above, from whatever ventilation system had been installed here. There wasn’t much to look at. The bed filled the centre of the space, covered in black sheets and soft pillows. A chest of drawers, a wardrobe, and a small desk were the only other pieces of furniture in here.
“How did you get all this stuff down here?”
I shrugged. “If you have enough money, you can make anything happen.” It had been a huge undertaking, but with the assistance of friends in high places, anything was possible.
She rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t know. How many girls have you had in here?”
“None. Why, are you jealous, baby? Do you want me all to yourself?” I smirked down at her, and she bared her teeth at me.
“You wish. What’s the purpose of the room, then?”
My jaw tightened, and I released her, folding my arms over my chest as I turned to face her. “This was supposed to be my sanctuary, untilyoucame along and fucked up my plans.”
One delicate brow arched. “You’re really that pissed off about having to wait a few extra weeks? It’s barely any time.”
I took a step closer, narrowing my eyes on her as I spoke from between clenched teeth. “I spent a long time planning this. I don’t like anyone fucking up my plans, Elena.”