Page 80 of Reckless
“Ha. I’d like to see you try.” Grinning up at me, he placed his hand back on my jaw. “Seriously, though, I like you however much stubble you do or don’t have. You’re hotter than the sun, either way.”
“I suppose you’re not too bad to look at, either.”
“My 1.1 million followers definitely agree.” His smile dropped. “Theo? Speaking of people noticing my stubble rash, what are we gonna do about Reuben? Should we say something to him?”
Cupping his chin, which did not show even a hint of stubble rash, I curled my body over so I could press a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Mmm. I’ve been thinking about that.” I resumed stroking through his hair, the movements calming me. “Grant has his suspicions, too. I think I’d like to tell them, if you’re okay with that.”
“Are you sure you want to?” Jordan gave me a searching look. “I…I’m good with our friends knowing. They wouldn’t say anything. But if you’re not ready or whatever, I’m happy to keep things between us. As long as we get to be together, I don’t care who does or doesn’t know. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, we’re best friends. They don’t need to know what happens behind closed doors.”
“I’m sure. Reuben saw us, and like I said, we both know that Grant has his suspicions. I trust them. Ainsley and Lars, too.”
“Yeah.” He smiled up at me. “Okay. How do you want to do this? Drop it in the group chat? Or tell them in person?”
Lifting my phone, I scrolled to our group chat. “Some things are easier to say over text.”
Jordan grabbed his own phone. “Let’s do this.”
@Grant @Ainsley @Lars @Reuben we have something important to tell you in confidence
It HAS to stay between us
Ainsley immediately sent a string of eyeball emojis, making Jordan laugh.
You know you can trust us
We’ve got your backs and we’d never betray your confidence
Why do I feel like everyone knows something I don’t? Unfair
@Ainsley I don’t know @Theo @Jordan we are here for you
I exhaled sharply. “Okay. This is it.” My hand shook as I tapped out the message, but Jordan was right there, his head a warm weight on my thighs, his hand reaching up to gently stroke up my side, keeping me grounded.
I’m in a relationship with @Jordan
THE FUCK? Did everyone know about this?
Sorry happy for you both but FUCK ME I didn’t see that coming
I saw them coming. MY EYES!!!!