Page 76 of Reckless
“Who else knows?”
“I told my agent and my dad today. And now you. I want to tell Harvey, but I thought I should tell you first.”
“Alright. Let me know what you need. I’ll come with you when you tell Harvey if you want.”
“Okay. Thanks. I think…fuck it. I’m gonna tell the others right now.” Jordan came barrelling past me into the lounge, skidding to a halt in front of Ainsley, Lars, and Reuben. “I’m bi. Uh. Bisexual.”
There was a stunned silence, during which the guys exchanged glances. From behind me, Grant cleared his throat, stepping into the room. “Does anyone have a problem with that?”
The three of them shook their heads. Then Reuben slowly raised his hand.
Grant rolled his eyes. “What? You don’t have to raise your hand to talk. We’re not in school.”
“I just wanted to know if that means we can put up a rainbow flag in the dressing room. It needs some colour.”
“Isn’t there a bi flag?” Lars spoke up.
“I’ll google it.” Ainsley’s fingers flew over his phone screen. “Nah, bro. We can’t have that! Pink, purple, and blue. That’s gonna clash with our team colours.”
Jordan stared at me, wide-eyed, and I shrugged. I had no idea what was happening right now.
“Yeah, no, I vote for the rainbow one.” Reuben gave a decisive nod.
“Forget the flag. Are you guys seriously okay with this?” Jordan’s voice was firm, but I noticed his hands were trembling.
“’Course we are.” Climbing to his feet, Reuben clapped him on the back. “You telling the rest of the team?”
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“If Walker gives you shit, I will fuck him up,” he promised darkly.
“Uh, thanks.”
“I’lldeal with anyone who gives Jordan any shit,” Grant said, shooting Reuben a warning look. “Not you.”
Reuben grinned. “If he trips and falls onto my fist, it’s not my fault. Just saying.”
“Behave.” Lars cuffed Reuben on the arm and then turned to Jordan. “We will support you.”
The words came tumbling out of me, a torrent that I couldn’t hold back. If I didn’t say it now, would I ever have the courage?
“While we’re all here, I am, too.”
Everyone’s gazes swung to me. I could feel my face heating, but I kept up my cool, calm façade. I didn’t dare to look at Jordan. But he was so fucking brave; how could I stay quiet, knowing what I knew about him? About myself?
“You’re bi?You?” Ainsley gaped at me, and I frowned at him.
“Why is that any more surprising than Jordan being bi?”
“Huh.” He tapped his lips. “I dunno, actually.”
Grant raised his brows at me, surprise clear on his face. Stepping over to me, he squeezed my arm. “You’ve got my support, too,” he said in a low voice.
“I appreciate it.”
Releasing my arm, he cleared his throat. “Alright. Before we get back to our poker game, does anyone else have anything they want to share?”
Reuben raised his hand again. “Me. When I was sixteen, I broke into—”