Page 68 of Reckless
Reaching down, I adjusted myself with another groan. I wasn’t going to allow myself to think of him in that way anymore. He was my teammate and friend, and that was it.
I returned to the photo I’d posted, Jordan’s message echoing in my mind.
That was the best night of my life.
It was mine, too.
Preseason training was underway, and when I was surrounded by my teammates, I’d mostly managed to treat Theo the same as everyone else, even though it was killing me inside. He’d done the same to me, too, keeping a cool, calm, professional demeanour at all times. He’d probably managed to get over the thing between us, but even if he hadn’t, he gave no sign that being around me affected him. He treated me exactly the same as everyone else. Our teammates were baffled that we were suddenly managing to work together in harmony—other than Grant, Reuben, Ainsley, and Lars, but they were all appreciative of our efforts, and so far, the entire team had been working together like a perfectly oiled machine, as if we’d been doing it for years. The gaffer was happy, or as happy as he could be, and that was all I could ask for.
I had to stay focused now. My career was the most important thing in my life, and finally, I wasn’t fucking it up, and Glevum FC might actually have a shot at Europe this upcoming season.
I ignored the ache inside me that refused to go away. I did my best to stop worrying about the dark circles beneath Theo’s eyes because every time I’d mentioned them, he insisted he was okay.
I did my best to put everything behind me and move on, but it was so fucking hard.
I’d arrived at Sanctuary early in order to get my shit together and remind myself to act normal during Theo’s birthday celebrations, so I bypassed the VIP area with our reserved booth, slipping into the room I’d hidden in the last time I’d been here, when Theo and I had been at each other’s throats.
“Welcome to Sanctuary— Oh, it’s you.” A guy dressed in nothing but a pair of miniscule gold shorts and a pair of gold knee-high boots gave me a once-over. “You know you shouldn’t be back here.”
Memories slammed into place. He wasn’t sparkly tonight, but there was a subtle shimmer to his skin that made him almost glow in the sweeping lights that penetrated this dark space. “Uhhh…JJ?”
The dancer flashed his bright white teeth at me, not quite a smile. “Hi, Jordan Emery. What are you doing back here? Got someone to hide from? Some friends who are planning to piss me off with their homophobic comments?”
I folded my arms across my chest. “No. I’m sorry about what happened last time. I’m actually here to celebrate my teammate’s birthday tonight. I just wanted somewhere quiet to get my head together before everyone else showed up.”
JJ’s wary look faded. “In that case, can I get you a drink?”
“What’s your most expensive champagne?”
“Hmm.” Tapping his finger on his lips, he studied me. “You don’t want it, trust me. It’sveryoverrated. How about a JJ special? A French 75. Gin, sugar, lemon, and champagne. It’s fucking divine. Like heaven in your mouth.” He smacked his lips together.
“As long as it tastes good, I’m in. Can you make enough for six of us?” I followed him to the bar, trying and failing not to notice the shift of his muscles and the rounded curve of his ass as he walked. It was like Theo had unlocked something inside me, something that I’d never been aware of before.
But despite my appreciation of JJ’s looks, my heart rate remained steady, my dick was resolutely unaffected, and my mind was fixated on one person only.
As JJ got busy preparing our drinks, I glanced back towards the doorway. I had those fucking butterflies again.
“Why did you need somewhere quiet to get your head together?” JJ glanced up at me as he poured gin into a cocktail shaker.
“It’s complicated. My teammate, he…” I trailed off. How could I explain? I shouldn’t be saying anything aloud, anything that could implicate me, or Theo, or both of us.
JJ propped an elbow on the bar, cocking his head as he studied me. His eyes widened, and he put the shaker down, leaning across the bar and lowering his voice.
“I wondered last time, but then I thought I might have been mistaken… My gaydar is rarely wrong, though. The sexual tension between the two of you was fucking hot.” He fanned himself.
“What?” I recoiled from him, my gaze darting around me, hoping and praying that no one could hear our conversation. I could feel my cheeks heating.
“What?” One arched brow, and that was all it took to make me crack. Confiding in a stranger—a stranger who I knew was gay, because he’d told me last time I was here, was so tempting. And something told me he wouldn’t judge me. This club took their secrecy as seriously as Black Diamond Resort, with or without the NDAs.
“You won’t say anything?”
He immediately shook his head. “Babe, no. Never. Believe me, Sanctuary’s manager wouldn’t stand for any of that shit from any of his staff, and as for his business partner, you don’t want to cross him.” Sliding out from behind the bar with a tray with a brimming jug and six glasses, he inclined his head towards the door. “Come on. Let’s get these drinks to your booth, and then you can tell me who’s putting that sad puppy look on your face.”
He swept away, ignoring my outrage. Sad fucking puppy? What the fuck?