Page 52 of Reckless
“For fuck’s sake. Just tell me.”
Another defeated sigh came from him. “Fine. I can’t stop thinking about what we did last night. And not in a good way, either. It’s…it’s fucking with my head, and I don’t know what to do or even what to think.”
That made two of us. But one thing I knew for sure after the events of last night was that I was undeniably attracted to my teammate. Did he feel the same way, or had he just been caught up in the moment?
My hand was still on his arm, and I rubbed at his skin lightly with my thumb. I’d never had to comfort someone before outside of a football-related situation, and that was more about teammates consoling each other after a loss. I’d barely even experienced anyone comforting me, so I was having to rely on my instincts—which, fortunately, was something I was extremely good at.
“What about that saying you told me? What happens on the island stays on the island?”
His head turned to mine. “Hey, give me my pillow back. I don’t like being lower than you.”
Making sure that he saw my eye roll, I retrieved his pillow from the end of the bed, where I’d thrown it. Taking my place again and pulling the covers over both of us, I shifted onto my side to face him. He huffed at me covering up his body but didn’t protest. If we were talking about last night, it was better for my sanity if his delectable body wasn’t on display.
The silence between us stretched until he eventually cracked. “What about the saying?”
“My point is, if we both enjoyed it—and I’m more or less certain that we did—then what does it matter? We’re on a private island, thousands of miles from home, with no paparazzi, and staff and guests with ironclad NDAs.”
“Aren’t you worrying about it? Even a bit? I’mstraight, Theo. I don’t…Ican’tbe interested in men. It would have huge consequences for my career, my sponsorship opportunities—every single thing I’ve worked for would be affected. Not to mention my friends…mydad. It would affect everything. Everything that has meaning in my life.”
Nausea rose in my stomach. His concerns completely echoed my own. “Iamworrying about it, and I have the same concerns as you. But—” I paused, shifting closer to him, my head on the edge of my pillow. “—there’s one difference. I’m fairly certain that I’m not completely straight.”
His eyes widened. Clearly, he hadn’t expected me to admit it. “W—why do you say that?”
I looked my annoying, obnoxious roommate straight in the eyes. “Because somehow, I’ve found myself attracted to a man.”
Cheeks flushing, he bit down on his lower lip. “W—who?”
He was so fucking cute when he got all flustered. “You might know him. He plays football for Glevum FC Number 22. He stole my position on the right wing. What else? Hmm…he loves to show off his body whenever and wherever he can. He’s cocky and arrogant and extremely argumentative.”
Jordan peeked at me from beneath his lashes, the corners of his lips turning up into a smile that I could only describe as shy. “He sounds great.”
My stomach flipped. I wanted to smile back at him, to kiss him, but I kept my face blank. “He’s actually a bit of a wanker, and he likes to fight me all the time. He’s the last person on this earth that I should be interested in.”
I watched as Jordan rolled onto his side to face me. His gaze lowered, and there was a tremor in his hands that I only noticed because the tip of his finger was brushing against mine. He took a small, shaky breath. “I think…I think he might not be completely straight, either.”
“It’s okay,” I whispered, sliding my hand over his.
There was a pause, and then he gave a tiny nod. “I know. I—I know the attraction’s okay. It’s…surprising and very fucking confusing, and it came out of nowhere, but it’s not even that part that I’m worried about, really. It’s the consequences of it.”
He looked and sounded so tortured that a lump came into my throat, my heart lurching. Reacting on instinct, I pulled him into me, wrapping him in my arms. “It’s okay, baby. It’s just you and me here. No one else will ever know. When we go home, everything will go back to normal. We’re teammates, and when we’re around our team again, all of this will go away.”
His head lifted, his eyes wide as he stared at me. “You called me ‘baby.’”
I could feel my cheeks heating. What had possessed me to say that word? “Uh, yeah. It slipped out. Why don’t we pretend it didn’t happen?”
A proper smile curved over his plush lips, taking my breath away. “Nope. It happened, and guess what? I think I liked it.”
I raised a brow. “Did you?”
“Yeah. It’s nicer than you calling me wanker or—” His expression darkened. “—brat.”
“You love it when I call you a brat.”
“I do not.”
“You do.”
Leaning forwards, he tugged my bottom lip between his teeth, biting down lightly and making me hiss. “Yeah? Well, you love it when I call you ‘my lord.’”